Chapter 3: Human Village

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A boy with black, shaggy hair, blue eyes, a pale complexion, pointy ears and fangs was standing in front of a mirror looking at his non-existent reflection.

He was wearing a black shirt with a black leather vest over it and black jeans, with black and red striped socks and red sneakers. He also had black fingerless gloves that went halfway up his forearms.

A now grown up Maven was having a pretend conversation with his dad.

"Dad, you said that when I turned 118, I could go out into the world like every other adult that gets to come and go from this hotel."

" 'But Mavey-Wavey, it's not safe! Bleh, bleh, bleh.' " he imitated, pretending it was his dad.

"Dad, 30 years ago, you promised." He said firmly, as he started walking up the wall, and onto the ceiling.

"I remember, we were both eating mice, and you specifically said that you gave me your word."


Dracula exited the elevator and started walking down the hallway. A bunch of shrunken heads were hanging from the hotel rooms saying 'Do Not Disturb' as he passed.

He stopped in front of one room and the shrunken head looked up at him.

"Oh, it's you. Glad you could make it." She said sarcastically.

"Is he up yet?" Dracula asked.

"Oh, he's up. He's up and ready to go. And by 'go,' I mean go. As in, go check the world out. What you gonna do? What you gonna say?"

"I got it covered. Please, relax. Just do your job."

Dracula threw open the door and walked in. "Good morning Mavey-Wavey! Happy Birthday my little mouse."

Maven's face appeared upside down in front of him. "Thank you, Dad. I know it's my birthday." Maven rolled his eyes.

"I have so much fun planned! Whoo-hoo! But first, we go catch some scorpions together, just the two of us!"

Maven jumped down from the ceiling and onto the floor. "Dad, please, let me speak. There's something we have to talk about."

"You want to go out into the world. You can." Dracula told him.

"Aha! I knew you were gonna say that. But Dad, you gave me your word, and you know that I know that a Dracula's word is sacred. That trust is the core of our...Wait, what?" Maven paused and looked at his dad, confused.

"I said you can go." Dracula repeated.

"You're just playing with me." Maven accused.

"No, no, no, no. You're old enough to drive a hearse now, you're old enough to make your own choices. You can go."

"Holy rabies! Holy rabies!" Maven exclaimed.

He hugged his dad, and sped into his closet. He reappeared holding a suitcase, wearing a floral shirt, and a straw hat.

He transformed into a bat, and started to fly out the window when Dracula stopped him.

"Woah, Woah, Woah. Wait a second, strongfangs. Where are you going?" He asked.

"Oh, well, I'm going to paradise, and this is just some stuff that I thought I would need." Maven explained


Maven turned back into himself. "Yeah, you know. It's that place out there where you and mom met."

Maven pulled out a postcard of Hawaii.

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