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The phone rings when I'm just about to shoot a goal in Ice Pro, but I lose control of my fingers and Hunter wins.
"Yes!" He shouts. I shake my head and dig out my phone from the side of the couch.
"Who's calling you?" He asks, sipping his drink. "I don't know, man, unknown number," I say, letting the phone ring in my hand. That's weird, I never get those callers.
"Answer it," Hunter tells me, "it could be a girl." I look at him and roll my eyes. It could also be a human trafficker, but as long as they're a female, Hunter wouldn't care.
"It's also really annoying," he emphasises, and I finally press 'accept'.
"Finally! I've been trying to get through to you forever, Mike!" A shrill, female voice excitedly says through the phone.
My housemates, Brenna and Summer walk in. "Who's that?" Brenna asks. I shrug.
"Who is this?" I ask, but the voice ignores me.
"Listen, be ready to pick me up at seven o'clock sharp this Thursday, okay Mike? Okay, bye!" And the call is ended. Summer and Brenna smirk at each other.
"Must be a joke, or something," I pick up the controller again. Everyone heard the conversation me and the Mystery Girl just had. Well, the conversation she had with herself, really. Hunter stops silently laughing and looks at a suspicious-looking Brenna and Summer. "Why are you two laughing?" He asks.
"No reason, just something we saw outside, Brenna explains.
I lift an eyebrow, but wave them off.


I'm over the moon excited for our date on Thursday, but he sounded like he didn't know who I was. Maybe he forgot to save my name into his phone. No biggie, but our first date is in three days! I need to text Charity and Bella and tell them we need to go shopping! I need an outfit to remember, but something that's still cute and doesn't show too much.
I text the group chat.

CHARITY: What?!?
BELLA: OMG! What's wrong?
ME: I don't have the perfect outfit for Mike and I's date!
CHARITY: OMG! You're going on a date?! When?
ME: Thursday! When are you two free?
BELLA: I'm free right now, tomorrow and Thursday!
CHARITY: I'm free rn as well, and tomorrow and the day after...
CHARITY: I'm always free!
ME: Perfect! When can we go shopping?
BELLA: I'm good to go right now.. what about you two?
CHARITY: Same! Rupes?
ME: Great! Thank you two so much! Meet outside Della's in twenty?
BELLA: Sounds perf, the mall's like right around the corner, right?
CHARITY: Yeah! See you soon!


When we get to the mall, we immediately scout for an amazing dress at this cute boutique where I get all my collared dresses from.
     "What about this one, Rupes?" Charity pulls a dress in my size from the rack. It's an adorable knee-length puffy dress that's green with sequins. "Wow, Tia, that's so cute! I'll try it on," I say, and put the first dress on my arm.
In the fitting room, I narrowed it down to three: a pink dress with a white collar, a sleek, red, off the shoulder dress, and a purple dress with puffy sleeves.
     "They're all amazing," Bella says, "but I think you should go with the pink one. If you get Hollis, he's gonna see the real you. Why not start on the date?" I nod. That's true. If I do end up dating Mike, he's going to see a lot of these dresses.
     "But that red dress looks so amazing on you!" Charity counters. She's right. I've never felt so confident in my life. Which is a dangerous thing.
     "You both make amazing points, but I think I will go with the pink one. Thanks, you guys." I say.
     "Yay!" Bella and Charity say, and give me a hug. I go back in to change, and take a deep breath.
     I am going on a date with Mike Hollis.

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