Chapter-28: Family.

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"Yawning is from the devil so whenever one of you yawns, then let him try to suppress it as much as possible."

(Bukhari and Muslim)

Assalamualaikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuhu

✨ Bismillah ✨

If you haven't offered your salah and it's salah time then please pray and then return, do not delay your prayers.

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I am getting to see those phases of Maira which I never thought even existed before. She goes straight from showing tantrums to being outright mean. From having tearful eyes to a wholly joyous mood.

She realises her apparent mood swings and tries to suppress them, which I don't like one bit. I want to live every single experience of this with her and I certainly don't want her to think that she is being any type of trouble to me because she most definitely is not.

Despite all of this I actually want this pregnancy thing to be over because of the terrible morning sickness, which is becoming worse every passing day and also because I cannot wait to see the little person Allah has created for us, through us. Alhamdulillah.

It has been almost four months from when she informed and my heart swells with happiness even now as I remember that day, her expressions and her hesitant little smiles.

I'm pulled out of my reverie as my phone buzzes with Maria's name on it.

"Assalamualaikum and I'm sorry that I called in your work hours but I really wanted you to know this, I mean not exactly know but yeah, so there are two great news which I really want to tell you now but I won't because you'll be tempted to hear them and then come home early so it's a win-win situation, and that is why I'll not tell you and you have to come home to know it." she says hurriedly in a single breath and I chuckle, sighing deeply, already longing to see her.

"Walaikumassalaam and you first need to take a very deep breath after your exhilarating speech"

She laughs heartily and inhales a slow, mocking breath. "You are in a good mood today Maira" I comment.

"That I am" she agrees and says nothing much to my disappointment.

"And may I know the reason behind this cheerful wife of mine"

"Oh Mr. Abdullah I would actually give you a point for your attempt but I'm not going to reveal what it is" she says in that sly way which I love the most.

I hang up after promising her that I'll be back as early as possible.

I lean back on the office chair and let out groan, depicting the amount of work still remaining to complete this project.


Every time I think that life is as good as it could be, Allah has bestowed on me more of His blessings, proving me wrong that if Allah wants he can make our lives better than perfect.

When Maira had told me about some great news, I had presumed that it was something petty but now when I walked into the house, I was told that we are not having just one child but two.

Yes, they are twins and I can't be happier. It's like Allah has opened the door of his countless blessings to me. I sometimes fear that I am not as much grateful as how I should be towards Allah.

And well, the other great news is that me and Maira are not only becoming parents but we are also becoming the aunt and uncle to my sister's child InshaAllah.

"Oh trust me I can understand it better that anyone else right now" Maira says hugging Aisha goodbye.

Aisha is apparently nervous and anxious to tell this big news to her husband and I really suggest that she shouldn't delay it, let him have all the joys of becoming a father just from the very beginning.

"Come on now, your husband will blow up the car with the number of times he's pressing the damn horn," I say opening the door for her.

Mama and baba bid her goodbye with a hug and Maira hugs her again "Okay all the best, as much as I would like for you to stay for dinner, I wouldn't make you delay for you to reveal the big news to Yusuf" she gives her a reassuring smile and squeezes her shoulders before she leaves.


"I didn't know that we were having a BBQ night" Maira says walking into the lawn.

"Yes, we are having one" I say with a nod of my head and move towards her to hold my hand out.

Mama comes from behind Maira and takes my other held out hand.

"Welcome ladies" baba calls out from behind me.

The women move ahead and gets seated on the chair decks as me and baba work on the grill.

"Congratulations on the second child too son" baba says softly, out of nowhere.

"Shukran baba" I mutter, nodding with a small smile.

Both of us set the platters and turn around to see the women snickering to themselves.

"What's so funny?" Baba asks with raised eyebrows.

"You know that you can talk freely with your own son and also that he isn't any of your business partners with whom you are signing a deal , don't you?" Mama asks with another fit of giggles.

Baba's brows furrow for a moment in confusion before he flattens his gaze at mama in realisation.

"Maira you tell me," baba says handing her the platter.

"Was I too formal with Adam?" he asks.

She bites her lip to stifle her laugh "I think you could become a little more informal with him"

"You think so?" Baba asks again.

"Hmm hmm" she nods with a little smile.

"Hey," she whispers to me as I sit on the chair beside hers.

I lean in and peck her cheek "Are you doing good?"

"Uh uh,"

She picks up her plate, forking out a piece of meat and putting it in her mouth.

She sighs, closing her eyes briefly, devouring it. "This tastes more than perfect, Adam"

I chuckle softly "You've had this more than a fifty times sweetheart"

She smiles softly "I think I've become a bit appreciative these days"

She takes another morsel of the meat and them mama and baba soon joins in our conversation.

Baba is still certain that his conversations with me are not formal at all, Maira says that I've gotten my stubbornness from baba- she did not obviously say that out loud but her expression towards me said it all.

Mama rolls her eyes at Baba's denial and Maira and mama soon get indulged in a conversation where we mostly don't get anything to say.

Both me and baba sit here watching the women whom we love with all of our being, interact with eachother like there exist no one else other than them.

And this is exactly what I had wished for a year or two back. The perfect little family of mine. Alhamdulillah.

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JazakAllahu Khairan Kaseera🤍

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Assalamualaikum until next time inshaAllah 💖

~~ Safiya❣️

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