(20) White Walkers

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SOMEHOW FLYING OVER THE DEEP BLUE SEA BROUGHT RHAENERYS MORE comfort than anything else had these past few months.

Perhaps it was because the color of it reminded her of Robb's eyes, and she could stare into it for as long as she wanted and whenever she wanted.

Or maybe perhaps she loved it so much because it kept her away from the drama on the mainland.

She and Daenerys were still at odds over her marriage to Zhilli Haggo, but as much as Rhaenerys fought, Dany was still stronger.

The woman was still Queen and if Rhaenerys wanted any place by her side then she had no choice but to obey.

Her marriage agreement to Zhilli Haggo was final; but that didn't mean it ever had to happen.

Desperately, she wrote to Robb again as her last ditch effort and scribbled out everything Daenerys had told her.

The marriage was to take place in six moons, enough time for Daenerys to officially take back the Iron Throne.

After this happened, Haggo was pleased that marrying Rhaenerys meant he would be a prince. And being a prince with no other competition meant that one day, he could be King.

Rhaenerys never thought anyone from the Dothraki had ambitions to be a ruler. But as she learned over the years, the presence of power; true power, could make even the simplest of men go crazy for just a taste of it.

And this made her sad.

Sad because she had witnessed great men and women go crazy for that damned throne. She was witnessing it, and she wasn't even sure she had the power to stop any of it.

With this thought in mind, Rhaenerys sighed and decided it was time to head back before Ser Barris stole another dragon and came looking for her.

She flew Lyanna all the way to the castle and bid her goodnight before scurrying into the walls of Dragonstone.

Dinner was long over, but Rhaenerys was surprised to see still Grey Worm, Missandei, Ser Jorah, Ser Barris, Wrymrot and her aunt still sitting at the table.

Upon hearing her footsteps, her stomach dropped as she realized her plans of sneaking dinner back to her room quietly would not be possible tonight.

"Rhaenerys," Daenerys gave the girl a strained smile and motioned to the empty seat at the table. "Please, sit. We have much to discuss."

Rhaenerys was just about to protest when suddenly, Daenerys pulled a letter up from the table.

The younger girl felt as if the breath had been knocked out of her lungs. She stared numbly at the Direwolf symbol on the parchment, and said nothing else as she immediately sat at the table.

"Is that from-" Rhaenerys looked at Daenerys with wide eyes.

"It is from Jon Snow," Daenerys quickly said, crushing Rhaenerys' hopes. Her heart dropped to her feet. "Ser Barris retrieved this earlier; apparently he and his band of brothers are requesting our help."

"Help with what?" Rhaenerys asked anxiously.

She had heard of Jon Snow once before from Robb. He had told her about him during her time in King's Landing. Apparently, Catelyn Stark didn't like the bastard boy either.

"Apparently...apparently they have been dealing with White Walkers," See Barris explained, a disturbed look on his face.

This only confused Rhaenerys even more, for White Walkers hadn't existed in a thousand years and were thought to be even more mythical than dragons.

"White Walkers. But I thought—I thought they were gone," Rhaenerys stuttered.

"As did I," Daenerys grimaced. "But this Jon Snow claims that he can get proof that they exist. I have invited him here to see if that's true."

"If it is then we have much bigger problems on our hands," Missandei commented. And though she didn't want to admit it, for it would distract her from her goals of the getting throne, Daenerys agreed.

'There will be no throne to sit on or people to rule if we're all dead,' Jon Snow had expressed in his letting. And Daenerys' intuition believed him to be right.

As they discussed their plans for meeting up with him and a few others, Rhaenerys couldn't help but feel disappointed that the wrong brother was coming.

Seeing this disappointment, Daenerys held her back once the meeting had ended and grabbed her before she could exit.


Her soft voice caused Rhaenerys to pause and Daenerys fumbled with something in her pocket as her niece turned to her with a questioning look.

"Yes?" She asked, annoyance in her voice.

Daenerys' eyes shone with sorrow and apology as she thrusted the parchment in Rhaenerys' hands, confusion overtaking the annoyance on younger girl's face.

"What is this?" She asked Daenerys, beginning to open the naked letter.

"It is a peace offering," Daenerys said quietly, "And an apology for all that I have done, and will do."

Rhaenerys looked at her aunt weirdly but read the letter anyways. And as soon as she did, Daenerys had to catch her niece as before she could get hit the ground; her legs shaking and a sob leaving her lips before she even got past the first few words.


Your aunt has managed to find one of the only ravens not massacred in King's Landing and has urged me to write to you. I do so now with my regrets that it so late, but I did not have a chance until now.

With this letter, you will find that I send you you three things. My love, my heart, and news that has brought me and all the seven kingdoms great joy.

King Robert Baratheon is alive.

After many months of hanging in the grips of death, Robert—the stubborn bastard—has recovered and resumed his duties as King.

I wish more than anything that this meant we could be together once again. But alas, Robert is not allowing anyone in the kingdom as he has suspicions that his attack was no ordinary attempt.

He claims that it was set up but has little memory as he was drunk the entire time. Whatever the case may be, our ending will be postponed once again.

But worry not—

I still intend on keeping my promise. By the time this letter reaches you, I hope that you are doing well and that we will be reunited soon.

Always Yours,
The Young Wolf

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