Characters (3)

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~Uncle Alfonso and Aunt Isabella.


Leonardo (27) (Italian mafia Don)

Mark (25)

Damon, Deigo and Daniel (18)

~Uncle Francesco and Aunt Elisa.


Antonio (28)  (second in command)

Stephano (25)

Emilio (22)

Marcus and Lucas (18)

Max (5)

The American mafia and the Italian mafia are owned by the Costello family. At first only Italian mafia was owned by Roberto, but then Vincenzo won the American mafia at a mafia war. So the Italian mafia was later inherited over by Alfonso (second heir) They are obviously allies and the most feared mafias of all.

They all only value family the most. Never considered each others as cousins since they're all always one. Never mess with them especially their youngest brother and sister.

'one for all and all for one'

This is something that Roberto was  most proud of.

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