Chapter 34

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Liam POV

“It’s time, Liam.” Ezra said as he took a seat next to me.

“They are going to bite my head off.” I mumbled.

Ezra chuckled. “Probably. But you can distract them if you work fast enough.”

I shot him a glare as I opened up my laptop.

Ezra and I were sitting in my office, preparing to do something I’ve been putting off for almost a month.

“It will be okay.” Ezra said quietly as I opened the video call. “They will understand.”

I really hoped they would.

A few moments later, my grandfather’s and my uncle’s smiling faces popped up on my screen.

“Well, if it isn’t my two favorite grandsons.” my grandpa said with a huge smile.

“You tell that to all of your grandchildren, grandpa.” Ezra chuckled.

It was the truth. He told all of us that we were his favorites. But we knew the truth. We weren’t really. She was.

Grandpa chuckled, nodding his head in agreement.

“To what do we owe the pleasure, Liam?” my uncle asked, sipping his coffee.

“Are my cousins home, Dan?” Ezra asked our uncle.

“They are.” uncle Dan nodded his head. “Why?”

“Can you call them?” I asked. “We have something to tell you.”

Grandpa and uncle Dan furrowed their eyebrows. Uncle Dan nodded and stood up.

“Is everything okay, Liam?” grandpa asked, worried.

“Of course.” I smiled.

I wondered who would be angrier, grandpa or Dylan?

Ezra, grandpa and I waited in silence. I could see grandpa studying us carefully, but I remained calm. I had a small smile on my face the entire time.

A few silent minutes later, I heard familiar voices of my cousins. Uncle Dan shifted the camera so we could see all four of them.

“It’s nice of you to finally call, Liam.” Dylan smirked. “Did you forget about your cousins?”

“Yeah, you never call us anymore.” Carter said, faking hurt.

“I was busy.” I shrugged.

“Too busy to call your favorite cousin?” Dylan pouted.

For a 31-year-old man he really did know how to act like a child sometimes. It was hard to believe he was a year older than me.

I opened my mouth to argue, but grandpa interrupted me. “Okay, enough. What do you have to tell us, Liam?”

I glanced at Ezra, who gave me an encouraging smile.

“We have some good news.” I said slowly.

“You are getting married!” Matt yelled, not letting me finish.

“To whom?” Dylan snickered. “The man is already married to his job.”

Ezra nervously started bouncing his leg up and down. Our cousins were too much sometimes.

“Let him speak.” uncle Dan sighed, glancing disapprovingly at his sons.

“Continue, Liam.” grandpa said sternly.

I took a deep breath and tried to mentally prepare myself for what’s to come next.

“We’ve found her.” I said quietly.

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