Chapter 17

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I had been startled awake when I heard yelling, crying and the basement door open. I couldn't really move my ankle but I peaked through the gate and saw Mr seer walking down the stairs holding Emma's arm "I'm sorry!" She cried out.

"You will be girl" he through her on the ground and went back up the stairs to lock the door. "Y/N?" She was sobbing and choking while holding her bloody arm. I tried my best to get out of the vents "I'm right here"

I walked over to her, took off my hoodie, and tore park of my shirt off to rap around her arm. "What happened" I asked while holding her "I was late coming home from soccer" she was sobbing into my shoulder.

She fell asleep shortly after.

Tony's POV

I was glad I had finally gotten the name out of him, I figured it was Y/N but I just wanted to make sure. Peter and I were working on a new weapon. "Funny how Pete can build Weapons with you but you don't let anyone have weapons near him" Nat walked in with a juice box and a cup of coffee.

Peter took the juice box happily, I mumbled a thank you and grabbed the coffee "Hey kid your friends with Y/N right?" "Uhh... ya Mr stark I-is everything ok?" He looked worried like he was holding a secret about her. "No everything's ok, did she tell you that she did Flash's test?" His eyes widened and he sighed in relief glad we didn't know about... something.

"N-no sir, I mean I knew she did the test and d-didn't get in" "oh she would've gotten in 100%" Nat laughed. "W-what did she do" he was quite worried. "She put Flash's name instead of her name and tried to change her handwriting" I sighed "Flash said they made a deal, Y/N did Flash's test and you don't get bullied for two months"

He looked down in sadness, he was blaming himself.

"Kid it's not your fault" I told him, he mumbled under his breath before walking out of the room and grabbing his phone walking to the elevator.

Peters POV

I walked out of the lab and went into the elevator "roof top please FRIDAY" the elevator started movies and I texted Y/N


Do what? You ok Pete?

You did flash's test!

I'm sorry petey but he threatened all of us

Ya but you made a deal!
This why flash has only been beating you up and not me?


Da queen

Well I was tired of seeing Peter go home hurt and Aunt May being worried about him
And plus he doesn't deserve it

Guy in chair
Dude, you don't deserve it either

Ya but you guys have people who care and love for you

Da queen
ArE wE iNvIsAbLe NoW??

Mj that's not what i meant-
Im sorry, I wasn't saying that you guys don't care I was implying to parental figures

Da queen
Y/N I was joking I knew what you meant, and you have Mr. Harrington he favorites you and Peter you could always talk to him

Guy in chair
And what about Mr Barton? He cares about you right?

Ya you wouldn't shut up abt what happened and how you got to meet the avengers for almost a week!
But please Y/N don't do that again, and I really hope you get a second chance and you'll be my intern buddy

Well I think Mr Barton just felt bad for me and was being nice to me and I'm pretty sure I'm just a burden and more responsibility for him
And Intern buddy?

The two highest test scores were finna be Mr Starks personal interns, we would also be helping Dr. Banner and Mrs Potts out occasionally.

Oh so that's why flash wanted it so bad
Who's the second highest test score


Guy in chair
Who the first

Da queen
You idiot it was 'Flash'!

Guy in chair
Congrats Y/N

Peter you must've gotten a higher score right?

Nope! Mr stark was realllllyyyyy impressed at the 'impress mr stark and Mrs Potts' part of the test.

Well I still don't deserve the job
I'm a useless shitty orphan slave
Ion deserve to be in the same room as mr stark

Da queen
Don't let That Idiot Flash get into yo head you are a strong independent sexy powerful ginger woman!
Now say it!

I'm strong, independent, sexy, and powerful!

Guy in chair
And red head!

Stfu Filipino

Guy in chair
At least I'm not Russian

I still wonder how Y/N hasn't killed us all

Who says I haven't 🔪

Da queen
*grabs red knife*
Shall the best one win

I sighed and stood up from the rooftop, I had to get some fresh air knowing she was getting her self hurt and nearly killed for me. I turned around and got scared by Mr Barnes. "Sorry Pete" he laughed "didn't mean to scare you but you ok?" He burrowed his eyebrows.

"Y-ya it's just S-she was h-hurting herself for me" he sighed "she was protecting you, it's what any best friend would do for their best friend" "ya I know, I'm just mad she lied to me" "I would've done the same thing for Steve if that happened Peter, she wanted you to accomplish your dream and be safe" he patted my shoulder and I knodded my head with teary eyes.

We went to the common room where Mr stark was "hey kiddo" he said while walking up to me. "Hey mr stark" we sat down on the grey couch. "You and Y/N ok" he asked while Mrs Potts sat next to Mr stark. "Y-ya we're all good I was just a little mad that she got herself hurt over me" I did a painful laugh at the end.

We watched Grey's anatomy for a little bit cause it was the only thing good on, Aunt May had want me to be home by 8 pm tonight and it was 7:20 "uh... Mr stark I have to go my aunt wants me to be home by 8" I got up, he laughed "ah yes, your hot aunt" I playfully rolled my eyes and Mrs poops slapped him in the arm.

"Hey Pete!" Aunt May had ordered Pizza tonight for a movie night. "Wow aunt May you didn't have to get pizza but thank you" I smiled and she did a soft smile and hugged me.

"How was work?" She asked while grabbing paper plates "it's was alright, but Y/N did Flash's test for him" her mouth fell open in shock "what!" She handed me a plate, we grabbed pizza and sat down. I explained to her what happened and we watched some horror movies, and the new episode of 'the rings of power' on Amazon Prime.

You should really watch rings of power it's an alright show

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