we all care

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Max: now that we have a couple of weeks till the next race I've gotta get something off my chest

Charles: and that is?

Lando: say it bro

Seb: we're listening


Daniel: it's okay mate 🙂

George: no, Max's right, it's not okay at all

Lando: I've already talked with Andreas and Zack. they don't seem to notice how fucked up this situation is

Seb: language Lando, also I think they owe Daniel an apology

Alex: they do

Max: I want to punch the hell out of them

Charles: Daniel deserves better

Nando: he should've drove better

Daniel: but... ehm....yeah....nevermind, just ouch :)


Kevin: it doesn't kill you to be nice for once

Checo: that was so rude


Nando: OR WHAT?


Nando: sorry Daniel


Daniel: apology accepted

Lando: but what happens summer 2015?

Charles: I'm curious

Nando: quite. Both of you.

Yuki: but that's a shit move by them, not acceptable

Alex: yh the least they could do was to tell Danny about it earlier

Carlos: or at least stopped him from making that announcement

Daniel: it is what it is guys:)

Max: fuck them

Seb: language max

Max: sorry Seb, btw Lando i want Zack's phone number

Checo: Lando it's for the best if he doesn't get that number

Max: I want to defend Daniel!

Checo: as you should, but that's a stupid idea, so no

Max: my ideas are perfect

Charles: no they're not🙄

Guanyu: how do you know that?

Val: 🧐

Max: shut up Sharl, it's not like yours are better

Lando: but what's the idea?

Checo: he wants to add Zack here

Daniel: hell no

Max: why not? we can talk about it with him

Daniel: hell no

Checo: like i already said: NOT POSSIBLE

seb: team bosses should not know about this group chat, NEVER

Nando: the last time they knew and it didn't end well

Val: oh the way they blamed us after the dramas...

Kevin: i don't want another lecture from Gunther, I'm not sure if i can keep myself from smashing his door 🙄

Lewis: and we all promised them we won't be having a group chat like this ever again

Alex: but why's that?

Seb: doesn't matter, what matters now is how is Daniel doing for real?

Daniel: I'm dealing with it, i accepted it actually, i might not be on the grid next year but I'll try my best to be, i will fight till the very end

Max: but I'm still mad

Kevin: try smashing Andreas' door, it might help

Carlos: I'm so sorry that they treated you like this Daniel

Mick: i have an idea

Pierre: you do?

Guanyu: what's your idea👀

Mick: we should have a party to boost Danny's mood a bit :)

Estie: hell yeah

Lando: that would be great

Alex: count me in

Charles: I'll attend too

Carlos: I have to watch over Lando so he doesn't get drunk or wasted so i think I'll have to come too

Max: Daniel what do you think about this?

Daniel: I will never say no to a party

Lewis: it is settled then, next Friday at 8 p.m. and I'll send you the address

Seb: I don't have a good feeling about it but okay...

George: um, guys... do we need to add Oscar to the group?

Max: well, he's a formula 1 driver now

Val: I think we should add him

Seb: yes, and btw Daniel's situation is not his fault

Daniel: of course it's not, and i know Oscar, he's a nice guy

George: so... should i add him like, right now?

Lando: NO

Carlos: um, why not?

Lando: I've talked to him, he doesn't want to be added just yet. he says he feels bad for Daniel so he'd rather wait.

Daniel: ahhh, he shouldn't feel like this, I'm not mad at him, no hard feelings at all and we've already talked about it

Lando: yh but that's what he wants, I'll add him when he's ready

Seb: okay then, btw Lewis I'll help you to plan the party

Lando: I want to help too, Danny's my teammate

Lewis: sure

Charles: can I help too?

Max: no

Seb: no

Lewis: no

Charles: um, okay, but why?

Seb: because we don't want a banana theme nor we want to wear banana suits

Max: or any crazy fireworks to put the backyard on fire

Lewis: and we don't want to have the party in a strip club

Daniel: um, but that's not a bad idea tho

Seb: shut up Daniel

Charles: :(

Daniel: :(

And just like them, we all care about Daniel
I wish the best happens to him:)
As for Oscar, I have plans for him🤭

By the wayyyy, how do you think the party will be? Anything specific you think will happen?🤭😏

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