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There's no time to ask questions as he removes his hand slowly from my mouth, assured that I'm not going to scream. All I manage is to blink at him, in complete shock as his eyes scan the clearing behind me.

Elex is here. My heart drops into the pit of my stomach. Because if Elex is here, it means he definitely isn't alone.

"I'm going to get you out of here," he whispers, grabbing my arm and pulling me back into the treeline.

My arm brushes Fluffy's snout and she lifts her head slightly, eyes opening as she tilts her head at me. I pray she makes no sound.

Elex halts once we're sheltered at the edge of the clearing in the trees. My heart thrums in my chest, adrenaline pulsing through my veins.

"We'll have a small window as the sentries get on top of the distraction," he says, crouching low. "When I tell you to run, go and don't stop."

I nod. "Distraction?"

A smile creeps across his lips. "You'll see in three, two--"


The sounds hammers through the trees, jolting me where I crouch. Two seconds later, and the trees start to blaze. In the clearing, the shifters start to wake, immediately jolting into action, not giving any time to their confusion. A shout calls over from the direction of the flames.

"This way."

Elex grabs my arm, pulling me backwards. I follow obediently, watching through the trees as the sentries' shadows dart at inhuman speeds in the direction of the fire.

Two skid to a stop in front of us, ragged breaths as they meet in the trees. "She's gone."

"What do you mean she's gone?"

"I mean the Cloud Piercer," he breathes. "She's gone."

There's a beat of silence where neither of them moves, and then one curses and they sprint back to the clearing, passing right by us.

My heart hammers as we creep through the shadows. I have to trust Elex. He won't be alone, and the prospect of Casimir being here propels me forward. He'll know what to do. He'll help me get Samu from the shifter camp. He'll help me heal him.


The thought shatters my growing hope like a tonne of stones.

"Wait." I stop walking.

"What's wrong?"

I had a plan when I followed Killian and Lei, a plan that didn't anticipate straying from the party so soon. "The map," I say, "I have to get the map."

"What map?"

"The map back to Samu."

His brows furrow. "Freya, there isn't time."

"I'm not leaving without that map," I say, turning back. I know exactly where it is, tucked in the saddlebag at Fluffy's feet. I'd seen Killian and Lei using it whenever we stopped on the horses, eyeing the pinpoints marking their different locations.


I head back before he can stop me. I'm not leaving Samu some place I can't find my way back to, not this time. Elex seems to realise he can't dissuade me, because he follows in the shadows as we reach the treeline once again.

I eye the clearing. Though the fire still rages, Lei thunders around the embers of the fire pit, picking up the saddlebag I'd used as a pillow as the chaos around her ensues. People argue. I pick up on a few of their words.

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