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to say that mackenzie felt bad was an huge understatement. if she could go back in time, she would make it so that she never rejected chris. 

of course she liked him. she loved him more than anyone else in the world. but she never expected him to reciprocate those feelings. he was chris sturniolo. and she was a random college student who was obsessed with him and his brothers. she can't even watch her favorite videos because it reminds her how upset chris was.

part of what she said was true: she really did like brandon a lot and was upset about their breakup. but the celebrity crush and friend part? no so much true. see, when chris confessed to her, mackenzie panicked. a thousand scenarios going through her head, one being 'what if the fans found out'. being a part of many fandoms herself, including the triplet one, mackenzie has seen how some fans treat the girlfriends of their stans. 

since chris answered her dm and posted about her and followed her, her fanpage grew to more than fifty thousand followers, with six thousand on her main. being one of the biggest triplet fanpages now and then ending up dating one of them? that is not a good outlook for her. she's already getting so much hate dms for having a fanpage while being friends with them, even though she's rarely posted since they became friends.

kenzie knows she has to explain to chris why she did what she did, but the boy was not answering her texts and refused to talk in person. and because the triplets already left for boston, she had nothing to do.

unless she flew to boston. 

she would be skipping school, but it would only be a few days. she'll just have ayla cover for her and tell the teachers that she's out with the flu. 

so that's exactly what what she did. 

the only problem? she didn't tell ANYONE that she was in boston, so she had no way of getting to the triplets, and she only has chris's number.

well, there goes her surprise. mackenzie cursed herself for not getting matt and nick's numbers while they were in orlando as she pulled up chris's contact.


mack 💟

hey chris

i'm at the airport rn

and i need someone to pick me up

chris 💟


 are you in boston right now???

mack 💟

ahahaha yea

chris 💟

what the fuck

mack what about school

mack 💟

i don't give a fuck about school

i can miss a few days

i just really needed to talk to you

in person

chris 💟

i don't want to talk

especially to you

mack 💟

i have to explain some things 

chris 💟

you don't have to explain anything

i said forget about it

mack 💟

chris please

chris 💟

matt's on his way




maha speaks :)

haha, angst!

upside down , chris sturniolo. ✓Where stories live. Discover now