Chapter 6: Betrayal

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Shuichi slowly drifted towards the front, but he felt Kokichi's hand crushing his wrist.

"No Shuichi! You can't! You can't!" Kokichi shouted, he was dragging Shuichi towards the exit.

"Kokichi?? What are you doing? Stop- that hurts!" Shuichi cried, trying to get Kokichi to let him go.

"No! I'm never letting, never ever ever letting go- I-I need to protect you..protect you.." Kokichi stammered, he was repeating himself, sweat was dripping down his forehead, always looking around to see if anyone was looking.

"Let him go, Oma." Kokichi looked up, seeing Kaito looming over him.

"No- I won't-"

"Let. Him. Go." Kaito's voice was deep and threatening, Kokichi gave in, letting go of Shuichi's wrist and disappearing off to the side. It was always like that with Kokichi, he would flee at the first sign at violence.

No matter who he was supposed to protect.

"Kokichi?" Shuichi was stressed, he had no idea what was going on. Why was Kokichi so upset, why was he trying to leave so bad?

"Come on Saihara! The people want you!" Kaito said cheerfully, he once harsh stone cold face was now cheerful. He patted Shuichi on the back with a loud thump.

"Ah! What about Kokichi? He seemed upset, I'm his boyfriend you know I should-"

"Yeah I know, but don't worry, put yourself first." Put himself first? That's not something Shuichi considered for a long time in his life. Putting his happiness before others? That's a strange thought to have, at least to him. But in a matter of seconds, Shuichi was right beside Angie, all sixteen students looking up at him. They were all holding their drinks, which were a bright red color. Shuichi scanned the area, the room was so dark he couldn't see anyone except the ones in front of him.

"Hehe~ There he is! Now, I'd like to have a quick speech." Angie grabbed Shuichi's hands, looking up at him and smiling.

"Saihara, I'd like to apologize. We'd all like to apologize." Shuichi's foot started tapping, his worries drifted away, and was now only focused on what Angie was saying.

"The things we did..we're unforgivable, we judged you by just taking a couple looks at you. We never really got to know you and see how you really were. How great you really were." The tears started forming in the corners of Shuichi's eyes. This was all he ever wanted. All he ever wanted..

"I hope, that in the future, you can learn to forgive us and.." Shuichi was already crying, he was so happy, but was in sudden shock when Angie burst out laughing.

"Oh. My. God. I can't even say that with a straight face!~ Hahaha!~"

"W-What's so funny?"

"Oh nothing~ Just this~"

In what seemed to be a second, Angie pushed Shuichi hard onto the ground. She was strong for such a tiny thing.

"Ouch! What was that for?!" There was no response, just the feeling of water being poured all over Shuichi. Everyone was pouring their bright red drinks on him. Bright red. Easily causes stains, stains on the suit Shuichi's mother gave him. Shuichi tried to get up, but he felt a heaviness on his back.

"You know it's really pathetic that you thought we'd actually want to be friends with someone like you." It was Kaito, oh no, anything but that. But no matter how much Shuichi begged, no one came to save him. Kaito grabbed Shuichi by hair and lifted his head up. His red teary eyes on display for everyone to see.

"Come on, go on and cry for the camera." And that's exactly what Shuichi did, he cried, he cried that hardest he's ever had in years. He's never cried this hard since his mom had died. Everyone was laughing, cameras were being shoved in Shuichi's face, and he couldn't seem to get up.

"Please..please..I just wanted to be friends!" Shuichi cried out, everyone laughed even harder.

"Aww, poor thing, maybe you should've thought of that before you decided to be a gross freak, hm?"

"I-I'm not a freak, you asshole!" Suddenly, he felt a sharp pain plastered across his face. Kaito had slapped him, hard.

"Seems like you forgot who's pinned to the fucking ground, huh? How about I show who's in charge by beating you to near death." Kaito snarled, pushing Shuichi's face into the floor. Suddenly, a new voice entered the room.

"Stop! Stop! This wasn't part of the deal!"

It was Kokichi.

Kaito chuckled, allowing Shuichi to look up and see Kokichi crying.

"D-Deal? Kokichi you were a part of this!?"

"Oh you betcha he was a part of this! He went to complain to us about how badly he wanted to get rid of you! We had to help him out, right guys?" Hearing the shouts of agreement made Shuichi cry even harder, Kokichi wanted to get rid of him? So he didn't return those feelings, those butterflies Shuichi got when he was with him? It was all just an act?

"Yeah, he's trying to get away just like your mom. I bet she got into that crash just so she could leave you!" Kaito laughed even more.

"How do you sniff know about that?"

"Oh you're so fucking stupid! Kokichi told us, he told us everything! It took no convincing either." Shuichi;s heart sank, he could faintly hear Kokichi's cries of protest, but it didn't matter.

"You're pathetic, he never loved you, and no one ever will."


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