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"She's a monster!" 

"She is a threat!"

"She is a child! She didn't know what she was doing!" 

"She needs to be controlled. What would happen if her powers get out of hand!" 

"Leaver her alone!" I hear all those screams as I looked at my shoes. The shoes that I had begged my mother to buy me. My mother, the one that now is death, thanks to me. Thanks to this curse. I thought as I look at my hands. 

"SILENCE!" I heard a scream and everything was silenced. I looked up and saw the man who has shouted. My life was in his hands. My life, only I had lived 16 years and I was infront of MACUSA (Magical Congress of the United States of America). They were going to determine what was going to happen to me. 

"Child, would you please tell us your version of what happened." He asked. I looked around and saw many eyes on me. Some with sympathy, some with fear. 

"When I was little, I had lived in a orphanage. When strange things happened to me. Magical things. I could move things with my hands. I could make things come to me. And this sort of power and energy comes through my hands. They glow and I could feel it inside of me. That is when I met my mother and father, who some of you knew. They were aurors. They adopted me when they found out about me.  I was eleven and I went to Ilvermorny. I finally belong in some place. I was happy you know? I had friends and I was doing good in school. But my powers started to grow more and more. Some dark wizards wanted them, wanted me.

  So my parents took me out of school and homeschooled me. But this morning. I was in bed, I heard screams, I ran and saw my parents death and some wizards pointing their wands at me. I didn't know what to do. I was in pain to see my mom and dad dead. I don't know what happened. Last thing I remember is that I saw everything red and then, I saw them dead. " I said looking down with a tear rolling from my eye. 

Did I regret killing them. No... I don't but I was not going to say that. Right? I actually enjoyed making them pay for the death of my parents. 

"Do you know if you have any more family? Did your parents had family." The man asked. 

"They didn't. My father was from England and my mother from America. I just know that my father had a professor who he made my god father. He is a professor from a school called Hogwarts. My father went to that school."  I said remembering a man coming home some times for Christmas and sending me presents on my birthday. I had years that I haven't seen him. 

"What is his name?" Some lady asked. 

"Albus Dumbledore" I said. Some people gasp and whispered to each other. 

"Well... you may go to a room, until we know what to do with you." Some man said as I was dragged into a room. It was a cold room. Maybe they were going to kill me, do the obliviate spell and let me go. I don't care anymore. I lost everything. If they kill me I wouldn't complain. 

Some time passed and I heard someone coming. I stood and they took me infront of the congress. 

"Well...we have our decision. Your God Father is going to take you to live with him. He is going to help you control your powers. You will  study in  Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. You must keep your powers in secret and only use wand magic. You understand?" He asked. 

I looked around and saw everyone staring at me. Well... I'm still under age, which means I have no options. 

"Yes. I understand." I said as they release me and some aurors took me to England and then they took me to buy some stuff I needed for school. My God father had send some money, since my parents money was still in process. Then they took me to the train station and I saw many young people walking around me with owl cages and trunks. 

"They are going to Hogwarts too?" I asked the auror next to me. 

"I believe so..." She said as we walk and stand infront of a wall. I looked at her.

"What do I suppose to do?" I asked as I saw 9 3/4 in the wall.

"You suppose to walk through and the Hogwarts Express will be waiting for you. Your God Father will see you in school. You will be now, Rose Dumbledore, for your protection." The auror said. I took a deep breath and walk through. Then I saw the biggest train I had ever seen.I was impress with the british. 

I got inside of the train and sat in a compartment, I grab a book and started to read. Then I saw him walk by. He was the cutest boy I have seen. His dark curls and manly factions made the butterflies in my stomach fly. 

STOP IT! You are just here as a punishment for killing those people. You will just graduate and move back to America and live on your own. I thought to myself. 

I then looked at the window and just saw as he walk by and went to sit with a group of boys in the compartment infront of me. Everyone was laughing and having fun, except him. He just had a emotionless face. I think he felt my gaze because we made eye contact for a couple of seconds because I had to look away. I then felt a little pain in my head, I loked at the boy and saw him staring at me. Was he trying legilimency on me? Oh hell no! 

I did Occlumency, something that my parents taught me from a young age, and saw how his face turned from a smirk to a glare. I smirk and then looked at the window. That wil show him not to mess with me. 

When we arrieved to Hogwats, I went to meet Albus on the stairs. I was facing the window when I hear some footsteps. 

"Excuse me, young lady... have you seen this little girl I left behind? Her name is Rosey" I heard a voice. I turned around and saw him. He was older that I remembered. 

"Hello Albus" I said as I have him a soft smile. He smiled back and I went to give him a hug. 

"Wow! You grown alot" He said. 

"That's  what happens when you don't see someone in years" I said. 

"I'm sorry about your parents. Your father was my best student and friend" He said. 

"Thanks" I said not wanting to talk about them. 

"You are ready to know what house you will be?" He said. 

"Yes." I said as we walk throught the main doors of the Great Hall. Ready for my new begging. 




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