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"You look disgusting" I told Hermione as she walked towards me.We were in the kitchen. She laughed a little, something I haven't heard in a long time. 

"Thank you, I guess...." She said looking shy and looking down. It felt weird talking to Hermione but seeing the image of Bellatrix Lastrange. She had to drink the polyjuice potion for them to go in Gringotts and grab the Griffindor sword and destroy Voldermort's horrocruxes. 

They still didn't know I was one of those. I knew my end will be soon, but first I need to find the blood pact vessel and destroy it.  My thoughts were interrupted by a sniff. It was Hermione with a tear in her cheek. 

"Hey... you alright?" I asked as I touched her shoulder. 

"It's really weird seeing myself as the women who tortured me."  She said as she placed her hand, well Bellatrix and on her arm.

"I know, darling but you are the only one who can do this.  I have to stay here and go look for the order of the phoenix. I need to solve some things with them and give them information to destroy some death eaters." I said touching her cheek. "You will do great. You are strong, smart and soooo brave." I said smiling at her. 

She smiled and hugged me tight. "I'll see you soon" I said as I went to the fire place  and threw some flu powder and landed on the street of London. I walked some streets and knocked on an old house. I believed it belonged to Sirius Black. An grumpy elf opened the door and his face changed. He have me what looked like an weird smile. 

"My lady....You are here." He said. 

"This is the order of the phoneix headquaters, isn't?" I asked looking around. I don't know but I felt nervous. I was afraid that they will look at me as a bad person, just because I fell in love with the wrong lover. I was grabbing my own hands when I heard some noise and saw Molly Weasley, professor Lupin and who I believed was Tonks with her pink hair and a untrusty look in her eyes. She didn't trust me. 

"Hello Miss Dumbledore" Molly said as she walked further to the livingroom. "You look so young, just a child." Molly said as she walked closer. Her mother instics of protection radiated from her. 

"But I am older that all of you"I said looking at them. I could even be your parents or grandparents" I said looking at Tonks, who was the younger from the group. 

"How can we help you?" Lupin asked wrapping his arms around Tonks. 

"I know there is a lot of  presumptions about me. I know some people say that I'm a legend for being Tom Riddle's almost wife and who was closer to being the "love of his life". But trust me, he just loved one thing. And that is power. But he does has a weakness and that is me. I am the only one who can destroy him." I said making some red power from my hand. 

"Why haven't you done something?" Tonks asked. 

"Because I also have a weakness and  it's him. My love for him. For my Tom. " I said a little ashamed. 

"My darling, your Tom died a long time ago. " Molly said. 

"I know...that is why, I believe it's time to destroy voldermort, once and for all." I said. "And I need your help to go back to Hogwarts and get that blood vessel and destroy it." I said . 

"Are you sure, it's  in Hogwarts?" Molly asked. 

"I believe so..." I said to Molly. 

"Then let's make a plan" I heard a voice. We spun around and saw an african american man with a blue tunic. "My name is Kingsley Shacklebolt and is a pleassure to finally meet you." He said as he offered his hand and we shook hands. 

We made a plan, we were going to enter Hogwarts and while they save the school from the death eaters,  I would  looked for the vessel in the requirement room. Tom would always put his things in that place. 

We apparate outside the school gates, when we heard a rumor. Harry Potter was in the school. We walked and they went to the Great Hall, while I went to the Room of Requirement. 

"Accio blood vessel" I said grabbing my wand. But nothing happened. I placed the wand on my pocket and then I took a deep breath. I had along time that I haven't used my powers. I then concentrated and my hands started to glow. I placed them infront of me and then I asked for the vessel but nothing happened. I knew it wouldn't be this easy.  I tried so many times but my thoughts were interrupted by an explotion. I then walked out of the room and saw a lotof students running. 

"What is going on?" I asked and then the boy just looked at me. 

"The war is starting" I heard. "Voldermort is here" 


HIS ROSE  (a Tom Riddle Story)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz