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Chapter 171 Lividity Spot

Fang Liu asked the female reporter if it was possible to erase her suggestion to Big Gong, saying that he should give up treatment on his father.

The girl was stunned for a moment, then quickly nodded. "O-Of course, it's no problem at all." The girl rewound the video and deleted what Fang Liu had said.

Fang Liu was embarrassed and thanked the female reporter gratefully. Fang Liu knew that she had disturbed the girl's work, so she invited the girl and her colleague to a meal later.

After work, Fang Liu and the reporters went to a small restaurant nearby. The female reporter introduced herself during the meal, "Doctor Fang, you may call me Bei Bei, and this is my colleague, Zhou Zi."


Fang Liu smiled and replied, "You can just call me Fang Liu. There's no need to call me Doctor Fang since we know each other."

After eating, the three sat and chatted. Bei Bei said, "I think what you said to Mr. Gong was right, Miss Fang."

Fang Liu was stunned when she heard what the girl said. Then Bei Bei continued, "I've been closely investigating Old Man Gong for several days, and I've watched his condition worsen. You guys don't know how much pain Old Man Gong was in initially. He cried and wailed throughout the day. It was a truly heartbreaking sight." Zhou Zhi added, "Old Man Gong isn't screaming so much now because he doesn't have the strength anymore. I reckon he only has a few days left to live."

Bei Bei lowered her head and echoed, "If my parents got into such a situation one day, I don't know if I could bear to let them suffer like Old Man Gong. I might as well..."

Bei Bei didn't finish her sentence because she felt that her thoughts were inappropriate. Although euthanasia was a reasonable and legal procedure in the country, it was still difficult for most with traditional ideals to accept it.

It would be even more difficult for children to make such a decision. Sending away loved ones with their own hands was a heavy choice for them to bear.

Zhou Zi took a sip of tea and said, "Even if Mr. Gong is wealthy and could treat his father with thousand-year-old ginseng, his father wouldn't survive. Since Mr. Gong is unwilling to give up, Old Man Gong has to suffer this pain for longer."

Bei Bei echoed with discomfort, "When we shot some close-ups of Old Man Gong's facial expressions, he stared at us and made some sounds with his throat. Later on, I listened to the video when I got home. After listening to it a few times, I realized that Old Man Gong was telling us to let him die." The three immediately fell silent. Fang Liu heaved a sigh and told the two reporters everything, "Although Old Man Gong is in critical condition, he can still hold on for about a week."

This would mean Zhou Zi and Bei Bei had to continue their reports and endure the older gentleman's decomposing odor for another week. The two young reporters had pained expressions when they realized this.

After chatting, Fang Liu bid farewell to Bei Bei and Zhou Zi when Mo Yu came to pick her up. When Fang Liu got into the car, she told Mo Yu about Big Gong bringing his father to the hospital.

Mo Yu sneered disapprovingly, "Hasn't Big Gong done enough acting?"

Previously, Fang Liu thought that Mo Yu was exaggerating when he said Big Gong was only acting. But after what Fang Liu had seen and heard today, she vaguely felt that Mo Yu might be right. After arriving at the Mo family home, Fang Liu went to rest for a while. Just as Fang Liu decided to read while listening to music, she thought of Old Man Gong.

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