Chapter 37 Long Story

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Ashlynn's Pov-

I could still hear the gunshots which were being fired inside the resort as Jeremy parked the car outside. Yeah, he drove. Thankfully, he was smart enough enough to bring a weapon with him this time though.

Between the crossfire, nobody really noticed as the both of us slipped into the hall and shot every guard who tried to get in our way.

Jeremy and I got separated the moment we got in due to the excessive gunshots going all over the place and let me tell ya, I couldn't be more relieved.
Finally got that dumb shit Outta my face.

Out of the corner of my eye, I saw him take cover behind one of the tables along with Lucian. Alexander was also in the other corner of the room, trying to fight off Spanish guards.

The number of Spanish Guards had increased since I left, and it was obvious that they were destroying this place.

I was fighting off some of them myself when my eyes locked with those silver ones. I snapped the neck of the idiotic guard who was about to lunge at me, never breaking eye contact with her. She was fighting Alfie, but got a bit distracted when her eyes landed on me, giving him a chance to punch her right in the jaw.

She stumbled back a bit but quickly regained her position as she sent a dangerous glare in Alfie's direction and took a swing at him. Her fist collided with his nose, causing him to stumble back and fall to the ground.

Alfie was standing his ground better than any of the other Americans, thanks to the Agency training, but he was still clearly as not experienced as her and Everly had a lot more skill than him.

I shielded myself from all the bullets as I made my way towards them where she had him pinned to the ground, her one feet resting on the top of his chest as she got ready to take a punch at him again.

"Long time no see" I stated calmly as I sneaked up behind her, grabbing her arm mid air and twisting it behind her back, before her fist collided with Alfie's face again.

She quickly whipped around, causing me to let go of her arm as she grabbed my throat with her other hand, trying to cut off my air supply.

She wore the same robber mask, blonde hair and silver contacts that she did when she attacked us at the bridge a few weeks ago.

Alfie dragged himself behind one of the walls, coughing up blood while doing so. It was clear that he was battered up and could not fight anymore.

For someone so sweet and kind all the time, Everly sure was one was hell of a fighter.

It's always the innocent ones, isn't it?
Yeah, but then again she wasn't quite innocent now.

I grabbed her arm, twisting it under her, causing her whole body to bend forward as I kicked her in the side. That movement made her fall sidewards with a jerk as she groaned due to the sudden change of direction of the hit.

I rolled my eyes at her pathetic attempt to choke me as she regained her balance, breathing heavily.

I knew who she was, but she didn't know that I knew her identity. That automatically gave me the upper hand, and I planned to keep it that way. Atleast till I figured out the plans of the Spanish.

They've never been able to take us down before in, why do they think they can do it now? What's so special about Everly?

I know she's a good fighter, but there's no way that that's all. There's gotta be something, or someone else working with them if they think they've got a chance to win a battle against the death squad and possibly gain our power.

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