Chapter 3: moving forward

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Narrators pov

The group well they lost Nick. He transformed into one of the creatures and ran off. Then a visitor came. Laura. She and her boyfriend were supposed to be a counselor with them but backed out supposedly. She told them how they came a night early and that her boyfriend max got bit and they were imprisoned.

The creatures were werewolves and Chris Hackett was the one who bit Max. In order to cure a werewolves the person who bit them had to be killed with a silver bullet. So Laura was there to kill Chris. "After I shot what I thought was Chris Hackett I went to the island where I left Max."

Dylan head snapped up at this. "The island as in the one in the lake?" Laura nodded. "That's where Jacob went to go find Emma and neither of them have shown up." Laura sighed. "They aren't there now." The all looked at her confused. "I just came from there and there was only a werewolf no people."

"How did max not kill you?" Dylan asked. Laura showed her arm. "He tried. I got away." Her arm showed a bite. "I don't have much time and I need to find Chris Hackett. Any idea where he could be?" Kaitlyn looked out the window. "Maybe his family house." Ryan shook his head.

"Alright well I'm gonna go." Right before she could move Ryan spoke. "I'm going with you then." They all looked at him. "I'm not letting some murder fugitive near Chris and I have to find (Y/n)." Laura sighed. "Do what you want."

The two started their journey through the woods. It was quiet for the most part until Laura curiosity interrupted it. "So who's this (Y/n) girl you're trying to find?" Ryan exhaled. "She's a friend. After we saw you shoot Kaylee she left. Not sure why." Laura took a glance at him and smirked. "A friend was it?" Ryan huffed.

"Yeah just a friend." Laura chuckled. "Really? Cause the way you keep looking around says otherwise." Ryan rolled his eyes. "Well what would you do if it was one of your friends lost out here with those things around?" Laura put her hands up in defeat. "Alright alright. But I have to admit your other friends didn't seem to concerned about her then your other two friends out here."

"Well she doesn't really have much of a relationship with the rest of the group." Laura smirked. "Then tell me why she has a relationship with only you." Ryan kept his gaze at the trees around them. "Not much to tell." He tried to change the topic. "Come on I would love to hear about how someone could possibly be interested in you."

Ryan sighed. "She's not interested in me." "But you are interested in her." Laura smirked as Ryan stopped. He turned to look at her. "You won't shut up about this unless I tell you?" Laura nodded. "Fine whatever. Don't complain to me if it's boring." The two started walking again.


It was about two weeks into camp. Ryan sat at the edge of the lake listening to his podcasts like usual. He felt someone near him and looked around. At first he didn't see anybody but he knew someone was there. Eventually he was able to make out a figure. He thought it was one of the other counselors so he was about to hide his phone. It wasn't until he noticed a bracelet. "(Y/n)?" He called out.

The figure paused. "R-Ryan?" Ryan stood up letting his eyes slowly adjust. There stood (Y/n) holding her arms against her. "What are you doing out here. I thought you were supposed to be with Nick." She looked down. "He didn't want me there." She whispered. Ryan nodded with a sigh. "Why are you out here?" (Y/n) didn't say anything and kept her gaze down.

"(Y/n) what are you hiding?" She shook her head. Ryan slowly approached her. "(Y/n)?" He gently grabbed her arm and saw her hand. It was covered in blood. "Oh my god we need to get you to the first aid." She shook her head. "I-it's not mine." Ryan looked at her confused and took a step back.

She walked back and stuck out her hand. "Come. Let me show you." Ryan hesitated but went along with her. He heard the sound of whimpering and what he saw was an animal a wolf to be exact. It was injured and had a bandage on its leg. "Woah what the fuck. Why's there a wolf out here?" Ryan said. "I-I'm not sure. I found him last week. I-I think it cut itself on a stick trying to run from something."

(Y/n) crouched down. "I-I've been bandaging him ever since. He'll be healed soon so it's fine." "That doesn't explain why you're clothes have blood on them." (Y/n) looked down. "I miscalculated the cut and when I undid the bandage a lot more blood came out. I panicked and..." she held up her bloody sleeves. Ryan nodded. "Here let me help clean you up at least. I can back up your story too if Mr H or one of the other guys see you."

(Y/n) stood up nodding playing with her sleeves. "A-and maybe you should hide." She pointed to her ears and Ryan remembered that he still had his earbuds in. "Oh shit." He quickly took them out as (Y/n) chuckled. "I probably should've kept my phone too." Ryan nodded and quickly hid his earbuds. "So what are you listening to?" (Y/n) asked. "Oh just this podcast."

(Y/n) nodded. "Well let's get you back." Ryan motioned for her. (Y/n) started walking and Ryan followed.

~end of flashback~

"We started hanging out every night well when we didn't have shifts with the campers." Laura chuckled. "Wow great love story." Ryan rolled his eyes. "Looks like we found it."

Laura looked up to see a huge house protected by gates. "The Hackett house." Laura looked around. "Don't really see a way in." Ryan walked around. "Maybe somewhere arou-." Just as Ryan took a step a hole in the ground caused him to go down. "Ryan!" Laura rushed but heard the sound of water.

"I'm good!" Ryan shouted down from below. "Well seems like we aren't the first person to find this. Maybe your girlfriend here!" Laura shouted analyzing the wood around the hole. "I'm going down!" Laura jumped down into the water and now on their journey to find Chris Hackett.

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