chapter 5

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Next day in office....

Everyone is working..

Suddenly max cracks a joke and apo started laughing

Mile comes everyone stands and greet him g.m.

Mile looks around and see if everything okay....

And goes towards his cabin Jack follows him . Mile sneaks at apo who is still giggling at Max's joke...
He goes inside his cabin

And starts working.
Knock on the door..
Mile: come in

Jack : boss you have meeting at 2pm it's a lunch time should I ask them to reschedule it?

Mile: no I will manage.


Lunch time...

Everyone is going to canteen ...

Apo and Max was sitting together they were having their lunch while chatting.

Mile was going for a meeting .. but he is hungry ...

Jack: i think you should eat something

Mile: okay !! Bring something light i will eat it in a car..

Mile is standing outside the canteen Jack goes inside

But Jack takes time so he goes in everyone stands . Mile nods and signals everyone to continue their lunch..

Jack: boss why did you come here,i was coming( sandwiches in hand)

Mile takes sandwiches and takes a look around and leaves...

He sat in his car .... Car starts.. he eats sandwiches but he is in deep thaughts...

Jack asks him what are you thinking sir. But he ignores him....

Meeting went well....

He doesn't go office.. directly goes to his home .

In office ..

Jack selects some employees and informs them that there will be meeting.. and they are important clients so there is no place for any mistake and stares at apo..
He hand over some files to apo and says tommorow you will give the presentation and it's your last chance ..
If you fail you know what will happen? Right?. And smirks...

Apo doesn't like his behaviour but he nods..

At night

Apo is working , he takes a look at window.. full moon is so pretty today.. and he smiles ..

Other side...

Mile is sitting in balcony at his bunglow and playing guitar and admiring moon...

(He loves guitar so much )


Apo is Lil nervous because of last time
But Max calms him down...

In a meeting hall..

It's time for apo's presentation he stands up ... Heart is beating fast he closes his eyes for a second and continues his presentation...

Mile notices that he is nervous.

everything went well. Mile is in good mood today..

And praises his team... And everyone goes back ....

After some time..

Mile craves for coffee.. but Jack is not there so decides to make it himself bcos he doesn't trust anyone to make him his perfect coffee...

He goes to pantry...
Apo is already there .

He notices mile and greets him, mile nods...

You did well today! Mile says..

Apo is surprised that this cold iceberg praised him...

He lifts two mugs in his hand. Mile sees him ... Busy in making one for

Got a company huh!... Mile says..

Hhh?? Apo is confused ..

Don't be fool.... Mile smirks

Are you talking about max? Apo says

Maybe... Mile says..

So? Can't i make friends now? Apo says... Voice cold

It's not your college where you will make friends, lunch with them and have a chit chat all day... It's a workplace you are here to work .... for ME... Mile says..

What are you trying to....... Apo says but mile leaves without looking at him...


Mile goes home .. his father calls him in his room

You called me ?.

Yess come here and sit.

What happened pa?

Mile, I told you about rose right? What do you think about her?

I don't think about her

Eyes on floor

Well i want to you to know her, her dad is my very imp. Friend i hope you understand what I am trying to say., as i already told you i want you to get engage asap.Go on dates with her.. so you two will start to understand each other..

Listen i am not forcing you but she is a good girl , give her a chance.

I am your son dad , i understand everything you say and you dad..

Okay, i understand, i will do whatever you want..

And he goes back to his room.


Rose comes to office to meet mile.

What are you doing here? Mile says irritatingly

I think you know very well what I am doing here? Rose says...

Mile rolls his eyes...he remembers his father's words

What do you want?

I want you to give me a tour to your company...

Mile is not in the mood of arguing... So he simply agrees

Okay follow me...

Will update next chapter soon❤️

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