015, 𝐟𝐮𝐜𝐤.

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two weeks

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two weeks.

two weeks of scar running to her window at 2:38 P.M just to see the mail truck fly by her house. she set alarms, sometimes she didn't even need an alarm. scarlett just knew.

"i know what you're doing." she hears a voice as she leans on her windowsill, and her head whips to the direction of her door. her mom is standing there. "you were doing this last time you were grounded." she exhales, walking to her daughter and leaning on the windowsill. "2:38. everyday."

scarlett looks down. "whatever. he won't send a letter back." a sigh escapes from her lips as she pushes herself away from the windowsill and trudges to her bed. the only thing hugging her body was a pair of red and black pajama pants and a shirt she bought just for chris a few days before the break-up.

of course, he doesn't know about it.

but every moment that shirt comes out of the dryer, scarlett puts it on. the only place she's never worn it to is anywhere chris would be. aka, school.

"well, since you're going back to school tomorrow..." her mom walks closer and pulls something out of her pocket. "here. you've gotten alot of texts."

scarlett smiles, having expected this. her mom can never take things away the proper amount of time. she gratefully takes her phone back, only thinking about how maybe, just maybe, one of those many texts could be from chris. "thanks, mom."

"yeah." she whispers, beginning to walk away. "get to bed on time tonight," of course, her mom knows how late scar's been staying up. she's heard the flipping of book pages when she gets up at night to go to the bathroom. seeing the eye bags under her dull eyes. the late night tears that left her face stained in the morning. "love you."

"i love you too, mom." scarlett says, unlocking her phone.

not only has chris not texted back,

but she's still on delivered.

whatever. whatever whatever whatever.

she tries telling herself she doesn't care. that it doesn't matter. but she lets a brief and frustrated scream rip from her throat, the noise not even lasting a complete second as she throws her phone onto her bed.

she misses chris. more than how much she missed him during the breakup. and it hurts the most now, because this time it's her fault. this time, she's to blame. she ruined everything.

her body slumps onto her floor.

she grabs her phone from the bed above her and texts chris again.

just a simple 'hi'.

after three more hi's, and ten hours passing by, it was now 11pm.

she never stayed up this late on a school night.

and she never ever snuck out.

but she stands up and walks to her drawer, grabbing her license and registration. she runs out of her room, not bothering to close her door as she silently makes her way downstairs.

she escapes out of the back door since it doesn't set off an alarm when it's opened, then goes through the backyard and doesn't even think about how the clouds are crying. she's actually not thinking about anything, really.

then it hits her.

she stops, right in front of her car. the cold rain finally begins to pierce her skin. the slight breeze finally hits her. the reality of the world hits her even harder.

what is she doing? chasing after the guy who broke her heart?

she shakes her head. steps into her car. she shoves the key in and starts up the car, shoving her registration in the passenger's compartment and her license in an empty cupholder.

she backs out of her driveway, turning on her wipers and headlights.

she can't give up. not again.

"scar's been absent..." chris sighs, falling onto nick's bed. "for two weeks." he looks upset to his brothers, but the two know how much of a relief this is for him. he's hated scarlett since the shit with chase. he hates the way she can wear anything and still look good. the way she can't put a book down. the way her brownish greenish eyes are dull in dim rooms but shine so brightly in natural light—

"no," nick rolls his eyes as he and matt sit next to their brother. "she's been suspended for two weeks. same for maia."

"yeah, whatever." chris waves him off, not really caring why she's gone. just relieved that she is gone. well, until tomorrow. but that's besides the point. chris has gone two weeks seeing chase walk into school, having no girl to put his arm around.

no stupid and dumb scarlett who's smiling and leaning into chase and laughing and being happy without chris and potentially loving chase and reading less and less books and getting worse and worse grades and whatever is even going on with her.

suddenly, the doorbell rings.

"i'll get it," chris perks up, jumping up from his bed. chris must be in such a good mood to actually want to get the door.

"yeah, okay." nick says, mindlessly scrolling through tiktok and chuckling at a video with matt.

chris makes his way down the stairs, then approaches the front door. he unlocks it and opens it.



omg guys i'm so sorry i didn't forget about y'all i promise but i started working on a henry hart fanfic (dont be a hater 😒) and also just had no idea what to do with this chapter BUT i got everythingggggg planned out for the next few so the latest that the next one will come is today or tomorrow #trust🙏🏻

also ik this was really short but the next one will also be short sorry not sorry 😜

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