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Binoy Roy Bannergee

Binoy Roy Bannergee

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-56 years old

-A successful businessman ,carried on his family legacy of expanding his empire and marrying the one decided.
-Is a Casanova which annoys his childern.
-Not a good father or husband due to his past mistakes.
-Regrets but knows their is no turning back now.

Arundita Bannergee né Choudhary

Arundita Bannergee né Choudhary

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-51 years old.
-a sofisticated ,elegant woman who loves her childern and dislikes her casonova husband who she was bound to due to a business deal.
-her personality really changed after losing two childern.
-cares of face save more than individual feelings.

Nivideta Bose né Bannergee

Nivideta Bose né Bannergee

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-31 years old.

-a first hand copy of her mother.
-a perfect example of born with a golden spoon.

-a woman who refrains to show any feelings just like other high society women.
-got married thanks to a business deal like all other Bannergee.
-tries to fit in a tradional household which is nothing like her home.

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