*-The Wire-*

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3rd person POV
Sun woke up at around 10am, which was weird for him, because he would usually wake up super early. Anywho, it was Sun and Moon's day off, so it didn't really matter. Sun sat up then looked over at Moon, who had been sleeping.

He could hear soft and quiet snores coming from him. He giggled a bit then gently patted Moon on the head.

He stretched before getting out of bed. He walked out of the room, closing the curtain behind him. He jumped into the ball pit then swam his way on out. He sat down on the floor, staring at the ceiling and thinking about what to do.

Suddenly an idea came to his mind. He was about to get up and fetch Moon's wire, but soon realized that was probably not the best idea.

He would always try to fly on it like Moon does, but would end up getting himself tangled. Since it happened so often, Moon got very fucking annoyed and never let him use it anymore. He sighed and laid down on his back. He started to space out.

Moon had just woken up. He rubbed his eyes, groaning. He looked over his shoulder and didn't see Sun beside him. He sat up and yawned. He then got out of bed and walked out of the room. Once he got on the balcony, He saw Sun in the distance. He summoned his wire and attached it to his back, then started towards him.

Moon stood over Sun, making Sun snap back into reality. He sat up. "Morning Moony!" He smiled. Moon smiled softly and bent down to kiss him. Sun kissed back, of course.

Moon pulled out of the kiss then sat down beside Sun. Sun scooted closer to Moon, resting his head on his shoulder. He stared at Moon's wire, that had been attached to his back. He booped Moon on the nose, getting his attention. "Yes?" Moon raised an eyebrow.

Sun looked at him with a blank expression. "Can I. ." He mumbled the rest of the sentence under his breath. "Hm?" Moon hummed, not being able to hear him.

Sun repeated himself, still mumbling. "I can't hear you when you mumble, sweetheart." Sun seemed to be a bit annoyed.

He pointed at Moon's wire. "The wi-" He began, until Moon cut him off. "No." Sun blinked, not expecting him to be that aggressive. "Pleaseeeee?" He shook Moon's shoulders with both of his hands. Moon got annoyed by this. "Sun, no. We've been over this."

Sun crawled into Moon's arms, clasping his hands together and looking up at Moon with puppy eyes. Moon sighed. "Ok, fine. But I swear if you get yourself tangled again I'm going to leave you up there." Sun felt a little uneasy with the threat, but he smiled anyway in great success.

Moon then stood up, detaching the wire from his back. He waited for Sun to get up. "Turn around." Sun did just that, letting Moon connect the wire to his back.

Once he was done, Moon tugged on the wire, making Sun slowly fly up a bit. Sun felt a bit anxious, all though he had attempt to this many times before. Moon followed him from the ground, making sure he didn't fall or get himself tangled.

Sun was now pretty high up in the air. He felt fascinated, yet scared. He curled up into a ball. "Uh, can I get down now?" He yelled down to Moon. Moon snickered.

"I'm sorry, weren't you just begging me to do this five minutes ago?" He teased Sun, but Sun didn't find it funny.

"Just help me get down please." He said, quite  quickly. Moon smiled. "Alright." He summoned an extra wire, attaching that to his back and flying up to Sun.

He wrapped his arms around him then took off the wire on Sun's back, letting that retract back to where it originally was.

He flew back down, landing on the padding. He tried to set Sun down but Sun wrapped his legs and arms around him tightly. He looked down at him, confused. "You good?" Sun raised his head and looked up at Moon, a disappointed expression of his face. "I want to do it, but I'm too scared to." He said, his voice sounding a bit sad.

Moon thought for a moment. "I have an idea." He set Sun down on the floor then flew upwards, soon leaving Sun's sight. He left Sun standing there, confused.

Moon flew towards Sun from behind, grabbing his hands and lifting him off of the ground, making him shriek in the process. Sun blinked then looked up at Moon. He started to smile. This was much more funner for him, and he was in Moon's grasp, so he knew he wouldn't fall. It felt the same, just less scary.

The two messed around on the wire for nearly the rest of the day, but eventually, Moon got tired of flying, especially while having to hold Sun by only his arms. He flew down and landed on the floor, setting Sun down.

Sun pouted. He looked at Moon, who had been sitting down on the floor and resting his head on the palm on his hand.Sun sat infront of Moon, catching his attention. He crawled into Moon's arms and kissed him. "Thank you." He said, smiling. Moon smiled back and held him close.

A good 30 minutes went by of cuddling. Moon checked the time and realized it was getting pretty late. He looked down at Sun and noticed he had fallen asleep in his arms.

He smiled then picked him up. He flew up, carrying him to their room to lay him down, crawling into his arms and soon falling asleep as well.

Sundrop and Moondrop oneshots!Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora