A double life?

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"No way! Why am I more excited than you? You have been talking about this since they left." Sara exclaimed. I merely just shrugged.

Why wasn't I more excited about it? She had a point. I had been looking forward to my two oldest brothers coming home. But now that it's happening I just want to avoid the whole ordeal.

The plan was for mom and dad to pick me up at two o'clock so we could be at the airport by four. That's when the plane is supposed to land.

Now I'm sitting with my phone in a trembling hand mustering up the courage to call my mom to tell her I can't come with them to the airport.

What do I even say? The truth?

'Hey mom, I don't want to come with you and dad to pick up my brothers. Mostly because I don't want anything to do with them.' 

Definitely not that.
A lie then.

Before I got to plot out a lie my finger made its own decision to press my mothers contact.

Can't even control my own finger.

Unfortunately mom was quick to pick up the phone.

"Hey, baby."

"Hey, mom." I faked my enthusiasm. Mom can usually read me like an open book, but I hoped she wouldn't over the phone.

"Is everything okay. Why aren't you in class?"

"Free period." I simply stated.

"Okay." I could hear her smile.
Silence took over for a little while. I needed to think out what to say. "Is everything okay, sweetheart? I love that you called me, but did you want to tell me something? Do you need anything?" Mom asked me.

"Yeah. I was just going to tell you that I can't leave school early. So, I can't come with you to pick them up. And the seniors are having this kind of graduation dinner and some fun on the beach tonight. Since there are some seniors on the volleyball team they asked if some of the juniors would like to come. It's kind of a tradition. The seniors 'training' the juniors. I thought that since you all are going to that restaurant tonight, that maybe I could join in on this."

"Are you sure? I could ask the school and get you a permission slip. Everyone is going to be there. Even your uncle's, auntie' s and cousins. I think they would love to see you welcoming your brothers back."

"Yeah it's pretty important that I'm here all day. I talked to my teacher about it and she said that there was a lot of information about next year that they won't send out. I don't want my senior year to start with me falling behind." Lie, total lie. We have no important things going on today.

"I understand baby. And yes you can go out with your friends. But remember what we have talked about with alcohol."

"I'll be careful, promise you that. See you tonight or tomorrow! Bye!"

I let out a loud sigh as I hung up. I've never been so afraid in my entire life. I straight up lied to my mom for the first time ever.

It did feel good to get out of the situation, but lying to my mom just made me feel bad, even embarrassed.

"Was it worth lying to your mom?" I had forgotten that Sara was sitting next to me.

"Ask me again to night, then I'll have an answer for you." I told her laying my head on the table.


After a long day of school it was finally summer! I knew exactly how I would start my vacation.

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