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Chapter Nineteen: Feelings


Thursdays are my least favorite day of the week.

Taking a long sip of my coffee, I head down the hallway of conference rooms, dragging my feet to try and move slower. I dread getting to the very last room on the right, where Reed will await me, along with his intern team and our financial advisor, Heather. We're discussing the Soul Chic AD campaign that I've been putting off for weeks. Mainly so I wouldn't have to see him.

I hate that one man has made me so insecure. I hate that I feel like I'm being judged whenever those blue eyes of his scan me over. Reed took control over me in not a sexual way, but in an emotional one, which is far more intimate and dangerous than sex ever could be.

Regardless of how I'm feeling though, I won't let him get the best of me. I strut forward into the room with nothing but confidence and a stern expression as I take my place at the head of the table. A folder is ready for me, and their plans and financial reports waiting for my revision. I should have looked at this earlier, but I've been so anxious the entire day that I knew I wouldn't be thinking straight if I did it sooner.

I clear my throat and lift my eyes to Reed's. "Who is presenting?"

If Reed has more feelings for me, he certainly doesn't show them. The possessive man from the night of the anniversary party is nowhere to be found, and again, I hate that I'm searching for him. I hate that I'm trying to peer into his mind when his only intention is to go over business reports.

"My intern, Cassidy, wanted to pitch our ideas," he says, extending his hand to a petite brunette in the corner. She rises shakily and sets up the PowerPoint with nervous hands, fumbling over a few keys before the screen finally pops up on the wall.

"Um, hello," she announces tentatively. Her intro is already terrible. I hold back an eye roll as she flips through countless screens, reading verbatim off the wall and staring more at that than the people in the room around her. Reed sinks into his chair, embarrassed, and a part of me is happy about that.

Before I fall asleep, knocks on the door sound off beside us. Rachel steps into the room and says, "Lincoln Nash is here and said it was urgent."

My eyes flicker to Reed, who clenches his jaw and mutters, "Of course."

"Did he say what it was about?" I ask.

She shakes her head. "No. He just said it was urgent."

"Tell him we're in a meeting with her," Reed snaps and shuffles his papers aggressively in front of him. "We've been waiting for this damn meeting for weeks. He can wait. It's not like the man isn't here three times a day already."

The table of faces turns to mine, studying my reaction. I've been in this business long enough to know how to handle a man trying to take over my position. Reed overstepped his authority, and in no way shape, or form am I going to tolerate it. I never have, and I never will.

Shutting the folder on the table, I grip it with white knuckles and push the chair back to stand to my feet, sending all of them a smile they know not to mess with. The last thing I need is for them to think anything is going on between Lincoln and me, but Reed is making it difficult. "I think I've seen...enough," I attempt to say nicely. "I'll look over the reports and get back to you all within the week. Reed, we'll speak later about this. If you'll excuse me, I have a client to attend to."

With wide eyes and curt nods, I leave them in the room and stalk back toward my office. I'm fuming by the time I get there, the grip on my folder making indents on my skin until I spot Lincoln's smile. Almost instantly, I find myself smiling back. "Is there a reason you interrupted my meeting?" I ask.

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