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"C'MON ISABELLE, YOUR GUNNA BE LATE" Jay shouts from the other room. Isabelle groans and rolls out of her bed as she knows the use of her first name is serious. She gets dressed as quickly as she can, she chooses an oversized dark flannel with a white crop top underneath with black shorts barely covering. Your just about to walk out the door when Jay stops you. "Na ah no chance missy, do you want some perv looking at you? Just cus you might get away with it with Will". Isabelle just grumbles "Chill out don't have to go all cop on me, not even that bad." Before Jay could say anything, she slams the door in his face making her way to school.

As Isabelle got to school, she was joined by some of her mates and boyfriend, Nate. "Hey guys, you got the stuff yea". She was referring to the illegal substances she has been begging for all weekend since she was with Jay. "Yuup" One of her mates said, taking a smoke then passing it on to her. "You're an absolute lifesaver" she laughs as they walk into school putting it out.

She walked into 1st period late. "Ah miss Halstead thank you for gracing us with your presence." the teacher remarks sarcastically. "Anytime sir." She said as she sat down. As the day went by with her getting higher throughout, she made her way to 4th period. As she was strolling along the corridor someone tripped her up. It was this girl who was a total bitch to her for no reason. She had her jock of a boyfriend's arm round her as they both laughing. "Oops sorry didn't see you there paha". Isabelle just glared at them both. "Aw she looks upset, you Gunna go running to your mummy awe. Oh, wait Shes dead never mind. Guess you will just have to go to your daddy instead. Oh no wait, Hes dead too." She states as they just laugh at her. Isabelle had heard enough and went for her pushing the girl to the ground. Punching at her face constituently. "MISS HAELSTEAD STOP RIGHT THIS INSTINT" A teacher shouted as she pulled Isabelle off of the girl. "Who's crying to their mummy and daddy now, bitch." Isabelle stated as she was being dragged to the principal's office.

The principal sighs as he looks at Isabelle. "Right, I'm going to lay it out to you Isabelle. This is one of many incidents that has happened recently. If I'm counting correctly that is your 4th fight this month, we have caught you smoking in bathrooms countless times, skipping school numerous times, your late almost every lesson and your grades are shocking. We have tried everything, detentions, suspensions, different classes. We have no other choice but to exclude you." They principle said with a sympathetic smile. "Whatever, just call Will not Jay." He nods.

*Isabelle gets left alone in a room for 1 hour*

"We couldn't get hold of Will, but your brother Jay is here" The principle comes in and takes her to him. "Great, just great" she states. Jay is waiting at the front, standing there with is arms crossed as he watches her come out. Before she could even say anything, he talks. "Get in the car, now." The whole of the car journey was silent, he didn't even look at her. He was either clutching the gear and steering wheel with a firm grip or clenching his jaw. "You're staying with me until my shift homes then we are going home". Silence follows. "I'm sorry I can't hear you." Isabelle gulps and replies with an ok. She was trying so hard to not give away she was high.

They walk up to the intelligence unit. "In there now" Jay points to the breakout room and she goes and lays down on the sofa looking up at the ceiling. Everyone stared then got back to the case. "Jay, what's happened" Voight questioned. "She got expelled from school that's what happened, is it alr if she hangs here until end of shift boss". He nods and goes into the breakout room. "Iz what happened" Voight exclaimed. She shrugs "This girl was just annoying me" Voight shakes his head. He notices her eyes were a bit off and she looked too relaxed. "You and I are gunna talk about this later." He says firmly as he points his finger at her and leaves. She just looks at the ceiling as she lays down trying to downplay the high. The unit were on a case about drugs being imported by dealers from the Southside. They were targeting teenagers.

It was the end of shift and Jay got his sister. Isabelle got in the car. Voight pulled over Jay before he got in "You need anything with her tonight just call alr." Voight says as Jay nodded and took Isabelle home.

Isabelle Halstead                                               -CHICAGO PD-Where stories live. Discover now