Mission 1: The Cherry Blossom Ring(Part 1)

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I love the manga "Mission: Yozakura Family" and I wanted to make a story but with a difference in the story!!! With female!Taiyo!

All credit of this Manga goes to creator Hitsuji Gondaira! But the new plot belongs to me!


As I was in a bright white room laying on the cold bed as wires were on my body, white bandages wrapped from head over my left eye, bandages covering my body as a lot of my bones were broken and I wore a white hospital gown with silver buttons holding together

The only sound was the beeping of the monitors, the smell of medicines that made my head ache and the feeling of the wet tears running down my face at what happened as I couldn't move my body as it still aches in pain

"Mom...Dad...Hika...ru..." I stuttered out as I called out the names of my dead family "I'm...sor...ry..." I apologized as I felt so broken

As I was crying in silence that the sound of footsteps echoed throughout the room as a shadow covered me as I saw a tall man but I couldn't see his face as it he had a gas mask covering it

"What a tragedy that happened to you" his deep voice said as I my body was overcome with a strange sense of fear

'Who is he?'

'He's not the doctor...'

Then he raised his cold hand caressing my cheek softly but something about made me want to scream in terror but I couldn't make a sound

"The sole survivor of this incident your are incredibly lucky" he said as my eyes narrowed in anger as I wanted to scream


'My family is dead?!'

'Why isn't anyone coming!'

As these thoughts were going through my mind as the man started chuckling darkly

"Finding such a fine specimen and still in one piece! Oh the possibilities~" he said as I felt my eyes widen in shock at his words "But so little time but I will make everything better for you~" he said as I wanted to struggle to get away from him as I felt something stabbed in my arm as I saw syringe with a weird liquid in my arm

As he took the syringe out as I felt my body burning up like I was on fire as indescribable pain was the only thing I felt as I manage to move twisting my body as I fell off the bed and onto the cold hard floor

Struggling to get up as I manage to raise my head to see the man's retreating back as the doctor and nurses rushed passed not noticing him as if he were a ghost but the last thing I saw of him was burned into my mind

A large red scar on the back of his neck

"Till we meet again~" were his final words to me

End of Memory/Dream

*gasp* I woke up with a gasp as I sweating so much and breathing  heavily clenching my arm as the phantom pain of that syringe was still there as I had pulled my curtains to let the sunlight in and opening my window for fresh air

During my recovery from the accident 2 years ago how none of the doctors believed me about that man with the scar entering my room as they believed I was still in shock from losing my family and that I was hallucinating

Ever since that day I decided to never mention of that incident to anyone since no one believed me and it will make everyone think I was crazy

But I knew that man exited as after the incident at the hospital I suffered from an extreme fever and was bedridden for a couple of days as I made a miraculous recovery that I was released from the hospital in matter of days instead of months as all my broken bones healed and my body was stronger than before

As I manage to calm myself as I looked at the photo on my desk as I gaze sadly at it to see the happy faces of my parents and my brother as it was taken a few days before the accident as I clenched my fist quickly getting out of bed grabbing my clothes heading straight for the restroom

As I took a long shower and scrubbing myself clean to rid myself of the sweat and the feeling of being dirty as the memories about the man with the scar made me feel disgusted with the thought of his hand touching my face

As I turned off the water and drying myself with a towel as I got dressed in a navy blue Highschool uniform as I looked myself in the mirror

'Even though I'm a girl...wearing the boy's uniform makes me feel a lot less vulnerable and hardly anyone knows that I'm not actually a guy' I couldn't help but think

Ever since I started middle school I was always wearing the boy's uniform as I felt more comfortable in it as I'm not a big fan of skirts or dresses as I was more of a tomboy and having a boyish name like 'Taiyo' everyone believed I was a boy as the teachers let me wear it but if it became more obvious that I was actually a girl then I have to start wearing the girl's uniform

As I grabbed my school bag and my keys as I open the door but before I left I turned towards the empty and cold house as I opened my mouth

"I'm going to school now" I said as I didn't wait for an answer as there was no one here waiting for me to come back closing the door behind me

I didn't know that today something is going to change my entire life again

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