Bonus Chapter: What Happened Next?

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It's Posey's birthday today, and more than two years since I first started writing her story. It's been over a year since I finished posting it. Complete madness. I think you might understand why I've been missing her so very much lately.

I can't count the amount of messages and comments I've received asking about Posey's life after the story ends, and I've thought about it an awful lot myself. On this, her 97th birthday, it seems like high time I shared with the class.

So, here it is. A little snapshot of Posey's life after the events of 'All Things Nice', beginning on the day of the final two chapters, 90 and 91. I hope it's all you imagined it would be.

Happy birthday, Posey!


"Who the fuck are you?"

Posey let out a surprised squeak as she raced down the stairs, wary of what she'd find in the living room. In hindsight, she shouldn't have left Bill downstairs by himself around the time John came home from work everyday. But she hadn't really been thinking straight ever since Bill had shown up out of the blue and knocked on her door.

This, though, she should have planned for. Because Bill and John were standing face to face in the living room, staring each other down, and it looked like either one of them was about to swing for the other any minute.

Posey cleared her throat to try to ease some of the tension. "Hello," she greeted with plausible awkwardness. She wasn't sure who to go to when she crossed the room so she stayed where she was, lingering by the stairs. "John, this is Bill. You kind of half met him once when you were still in hospital. And Bill, this is John, my brother."

"You're one of the paratroopers she served with," John said to Bill with narrowed eyes.

"Yeah," Bill replied evenly. Neither of them had spared Posey a glance ever since she'd spoken. "You're the brother who told her you expected her to die overseas."

Posey let out a startled guffaw. "Bill!"

"I was trying to be realistic," John said, voice nearly growling. "What the fuck are you doing here?"

"He's cooking a roast dinner," Posey said sarcastically. "What do you think he's doing here, John?"

John's eyes shot to her, warning. "What's going on here?"

"Kind of a long story," Posey hedged. "Funny one, too. Hilarious, actually. I think you'll laugh."


"He's..." Posey began in all seriousness, and then trailed off. Because who was Bill to her? Her boyfriend? He'd never asked her and they'd only reunited a few hours ago. But they weren't not together. So who? "Well," she said, raising her hands palms-up by her shoulders in an exaggerated shrug, "he's Bill."

But John, too smart for his own good, must have noticed the change in her. She was so much different now already to how she'd been this morning when he'd left for work. "You two," he said, pointing between them. "You're - what? Sleeping together?"

Posey gasped so loudly and so suddenly she coughed for a solid thirty seconds afterwards. "No!" she exclaimed once she'd regained her composure. "John, that's a rotten thing to say!"

Bill was cackling, his posture much less hostile and much more relaxed.

"You're making it worse!" Posey accused him, scowling.

"You're not just friends," John said with an expression of distaste, as though all of this was obscenely childish to him all of a sudden.

"Does it matter?" Posey asked, still glaring.

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