Halloween Pt. 2

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In the DMs between Y/n and Michael

Me: hey

Me: why'd you want me to DM you

Me: are we going to have a super secret bestie conversation?

Michael: Please stop talking

Michael: anyways

Michael: I wanted to know what your plans are for halloween

Me: uhhh, not much...why?

Michael: I have a costume idea for you

Me: oh

Me: hell yeah, send me your idea

Michael: https://www.amazon.ca/FunWorld-188297-Giant-Cockroach-Costume/dp/B0038ZQYRC/ref=asc_df_B0038ZQYRC/?tag=googleshopc0c-20&linkCode=df0&hvadid=292939047566&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=11914837064006608540&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=&hvdev=c&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=9001386&hvtargid=pla-523434391865&psc=1

Me: michael what the actual fuck

Michael: because you're a roach

Michael: get it?

Me: i might  cry

Back in the gc

Me: POV ur Michael being a lonely bitch on halloween

Me: POV ur Michael being a lonely bitch on halloween

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Glen: I'm so confused

Ghost: wtf happened in the DMs

JD: I just got here-

Me: he told me to buy a roach costume

Me: he called me a roach

Michael: POV ur Y/n on halloween

Michael: POV ur Y/n on halloween

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Ghost: Michael got jokes??

Me: this u???

Me: this u???

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Ghost: oop

Glen: welp I'm logging off

JD: you did this to urself phantom

Michael: I'm outside your house phantom.

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