If We Burn, then You Burn With Us

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When Jon hatched his three new dragons, Viserion felt a pullback to the East. Unable to resist, he follows his brothers into the sky. Instead of following them to the north of Winterfell, he turns East. He sends a brief feeling to his mother that he would return to her. He did not want her to worry more than usual.

Viserion looks down upon a fog-enriched ruined city. The Ruins of Valyria. He aims for a large empty encircled clearly. As he lands, he causes the small animals and birds to take off in fear. He could see some strange men hiding in the trees along the edge of the clearing but they were hesitant in coming into the light.

As he glares at those in front of him, a sharp pain coming from his tail causes him to spin around. He sees one of the men attempting to bite his tail off. Really, meat sack? With a single breath, he turns the man to ash.

When he turns back, he sees six more of those gray men approaching with speed. As he prepares to attack, a bright beam of yellow light impacts the ground in front of him, killing all six of the men in golden dust. When the light dims, he can see a single man standing within it.

"Hello, Viserion. Glad you could make it," Draco says with a smile. He waves his hand, which causes Viserion to feel the wound on his tail, heal instantly with no side effects. Viserion turns back to Draco with a light growl.

"Easy. I called you here as I sensed you have many questions. Questions that you would not want to voice in the presence of your mother." Draco calmly tells the cautious dragon.

With a low growl, Viserion puts to word the biggest question on his mind. Why am I back in this world? With a nod, Draco calmly begins, "Of course. I brought you back since your mother needs you. More importantly, her daughter needs you." With an almost dog-like whelp, Viserion is taken aback. His brothers and he had some suspicions that a new dragon was growing within his mother.

"I need you to help protect the newborn daughter of your mother's from threats inside and out. The dragon younglings will most likely bond with your mother's future children and grandchildren. In addition, your brothers will need you in King's Landing. Otherwise, they will die from the giant ballistae on the walls." While Draco is explaining this, images of these events play in Viserion's mind.

Unlike humans, Viserion had no desire to debate in wordplay. With a growl, he spreads his wings and takes off, heading south to King's Landing.

Draco watches as Viserion fades into the distance, "Good luck, my son." With a smile, Draco fades away as the sun sets on Valyria.

Standing at the harbor of King's Landing, Cersei, Queen of the Seven Kingdoms stands in silent watch as the Golden Company begins to disembark from Euron's fleet. She can barely hold back the sneer at the thought of the Salt King, the fool that thought her word was worth something. He serves a means to an end, she figures - obviously so as a smile comes across her face, the elephants beginning to slowly lumber off the ships.

"Your Grace?" A hoarse voice behind her causes Cersei to sigh as she turns around to see Euron giving a half bow with a man gilded in golden armor standing straight next to him.

"Ah. Welcome to King's Landing, Commander," Cersei addresses the golden man, purposely ignoring Euron for now.

"Thank you, Your Grace. I am Commander Harry Strickland. I can report that we have brought eighteen thousand infantry, eight hundred heavy horses, twelve-hundred light horses, along with two dozen elephants." At his report, Cersei is pleased beyond belief.

At this point, another man approaches them and salutes his commander. "Pardon me, Commander. All men are accounted for. We have lost no men or elephants, though the latter will need to be rested. We did lose about a score of horses during the crossing. The corpses are currently being moved to the coast to be burned."

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 31, 2022 ⏰

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