Chapter 03 - Lost for words

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Chapter 03: Lost for words

When the first rooster began its chant, my eyes were already wide open. Despite getting very little sleep the entire night, I felt very rested. It was still too early to enter someone's home, so I couldn't go to old Mansa's hut. I choose to help my stepmother with her household duties. I cleaned up the dishes from the previous night, swept the yard, took a shower, and bathed my younger sister, Khadija, who was up early.

"Sinai, I see you finished all of my chores," my stepmother Fatim exclaimed.

"I woke up early and wanted to help around a bit," I said with a smile. I was just trying to make the time go by faster, but at least I was helpful! She gave me a hug and gave me a forehead kiss, saying, "You are such a kind child, thank you."

"You are welcome, Fatim." I laugh.

My two younger brothers then awoke as well, and they were given the order to fetch bread from the bread maker. I started preparing breakfast for the family with Fatim. Fatim and my... Father had three children together. My little sister Fatima, my twin brothers, and I started eating breakfast while joking and laughing when they returned with the bread. I haven't experienced a happy moment like this in a long time. I wish I had spent more time with my younger siblings. I spent all of my free time at Old Mansa's house.

I enjoyed my time with my family, but I was still thinking about the stranger. I was trying to come up with a reason to go there. I recalled that it was my neighbor who had to deliver food to old Mansa today, but she always finishes late, and I didn't want to be kept waiting.

Then I had a lightbulb moment: why was I even bothering to find a reason to go there? I've never needed a justification before!

My little brothers had stopped laughing, and I realized something wasn't right. I turned to my left, and sure enough, there was a problem. My father had shown up. My wish was to leave immediately. We share a house, but I haven't talked to him in a long time. Now I understand why I spend so little time at home. I'd prefer not to see his face. I daydream about leaving this village and never having to see his face again.

My facial expression caught Fatim's attention: "Why don't you take some of that food to that stranger and old Mansa?" She proposed "To feel better, he will need a lot of food."

"Thank you," I murmured. She gave me a bowl after she finished serving the food, and I walked out. Her help allowed me to accomplish two goals at once. I had a reason to leave the house and visit old Mansa. Despite the fact that I really didn't need an explanation for either of those...

When I got there, old Mansa was sitting down and preparing tea for himself. "Peace be upon you," I said.

"Peace be upon you, child," he said with a smirk on his face. "What brings you here today?"

I responded while placing the food next to the elderly man, "Fatim asked me to bring food for you and the stranger."

A smile spread across his face. "You ought to thank her for me,"

I then sat next to him while discreetly staring at the stranger. "He hasn't awakened yet?"

"Non, but he should be waking up soon."

Old Mansa finally sucked his teeth after a brief period of silence. "You couldn't be more indiscrete, kid." "Starting at him like he was from another world," the elderly man said.

I told him when I turned around that I wasn't looking at him. He sucked his teeth once more. "Are you upset that I didn't visit you today, Old Man?"

He said, "I won't take part in your childish act," I thanked him after receiving a cup of tea from him.

"Where do you think he is from?" I asked after taking a sip of my tea, "His features are nothing like I've ever seen before."

Old Mansa stood up and grabbed one of his journals. He opened it, turned to a particular page, and handed the book to me. "He is from the country's eastern side. "People from the East are known to share his nose, hair, and facial features."

There was a map of the eastern part of the continent on the page he had opened. He stated:

The inhabitants of this land are very generous. Their features are distinctly different from mine. Their hair is frequently loose and curly in texture. They typically have aquiline noses. Their skin tones range from the deepest brown to the palest. And some of them have... rather large foreheads.

Most of the characteristics that old Mansa mentioned in his journal are present in the stranger. "I wonder how things are over in the east."

"It's a very beautiful place." My heart jumped a beat. The stranger was awake. Once more turning my head, our eyes locked for the first time. I couldn't take my gaze off of him. His captivating brown eyes almost had the appearance of a fire burning with passion. He spoke in a deep voice, and I found myself repeating what he said.

The stranger and I lost eye contact as the elderly man cleared his throat. He turned to old Mansa and then back to me and said, "Thank you for saving my life."

Although I wanted to answer him, I was unable to do so. Sinai, the girl who always had something to say, was silent. My words failed me.

"You are welcome, son," responded Old Mansa, since I didn't say anything he continued "Come, eat something; you must be hungry,"

The stranger attempted to move, but his body hurt a little. I observed him battling. I wanted to stand and assist him, but I was paralyzed. Old Mansa tapped me on the shoulder and ordered me to assist him with a head sign.

I stood up and took hold of his hand, putting it around my neck and shoulder. I experienced an intense shivering all over my body when his body touched mine. It was as if I had never touched a soul before. I had never experienced such warmth from another human. We were centimeters apart as we exchanged glances. He grinned at me and said, "Thank you," in a deep voice with a foreign accent.

I had never felt this way before, so I had no idea what was going on with me. I was shivering and my heart was pounding. I have never felt this way about a person. What was going on with me? What was this strange, unsettling, and yet comforting sensation I experienced every time I looked at him? Or could it be that I'm getting sick? I finally got him to sit down, and when I gave him food, he devoured it like he hadn't eaten in days. Unintentionally laughing, I caused the stranger to turn to look at me. "I apologize; I haven't eaten this well in a while."

"What is your name, son?"

"My name is Zakariah," he said.

Every word he said echoed in my head, and I couldn't take my gaze away from him.

"What happened to you?" the old man asked.

"I had just arrived in the dried-out forest after days of travel through the vast desert when I came across a base camp. There was no one there, and I was starving. So I brought some food with me. My realization that it was a bandit camp came from the large amount of likely stolen treasure. I attempted to flee, but I was apprehended just as I was about to mount my horse. Although I was outnumbered, I fought some of them. I mounted my horse and fled, but one of their arrows found me as I was fleeing. I was riding aimlessly in search of a village when you discovered me and saved my life,"

He was brave to go up against bandits on his own! How thrilling it had to be. I can't wait to ride my horse outside the village perimeter and engage bandits as well. He turned to me and said, "Well, you know my name and my story, but I still don't know the names of my saviors," I just felt like a complete moron at this point!

"Her name is Sinai, and I go by old Mansa... and this is Amhara's village," he added "How is your back?"

"Still a bit painful," he replied.

"Drink this and rest again; you should get back on your feet in a matter of days,"

I made the decision to return home so he could rest. I was also useless. He called my name, "Sinai," as I approached the hut door. I swung around and gave him a glance. He said, "Thank you,"

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