Chapter 98

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Chapter 98

    Seeing the familiar figure and hearing the familiar voice, Tang Panpan's tears flowed down instantly. She hurriedly stood up, wiping away the tears that she couldn't control: "...Dad, Mom?"

    In all fairness, the old man that Tang Panpan's father called was just a joke, the age of the two of them. Smaller than Aunt Huang and the others. But in front of his daughter, he could say anything excited when they met again.

    Seeing their daughter's appearance, they couldn't help but red-eyed, went up to hug Tang Panpan, and told the joy of reunion in the hug.

    Zhuang Jiu and Liu Yun stood up and changed positions, allowing their family to sit together. Tang Panpan calmed down after being excited for a while, and thanked Zhuang Jiu with red eyes.

    She knew that it was impossible for her parents to come to this place without Zhuang Jiu's consent.

    Zhuang Jiu cares more about her than she imagined.

    In order not to let himself affect other people, Tang Panpan quickly adjusted his emotions and sat down with his parents. Although he has been talking about his thoughts during this period of time, but after all, he did not make more gaffes.

    As for the grand prize of the winery, Werther said that he would give it to her alone after the meal.

    The large piece of pork belly was not cut too thickly. While scanning the temperature inside, Werther added charcoal fire in a timely manner, and tried to bake this piece of pork belly within two hours.

    The autumn sun still sets very late, but before the light has completely fallen, a bright moon has appeared in the air, and sprinkled warm orange and silver light all over the ground.

    Several people were chatting and laughing under the night sky, and the bonfire beside them bounced and reflected in everyone's eyes.

    The silver tin foil was baked to a yellow-black color, giving off a strong aroma. When the atmosphere was strong, Zhuangjiu specially asked Werther to bring several bottles of red wine from the underground ice cellar.

    After the barbecue was over, the crowd dispersed. Werther said that he wanted to give Zhuangjiu the mystery prize, so he took her to the laboratory.

    "I thought you were just talking about it casually, but I didn't expect that you actually prepared something?" Zhuang Jiu's cheeks were a little red.

    Her alcohol intake is not too bad, but she drank a lot of wine today, and a few bottles are relatively high. Although she feels that her thinking is relatively clear now, she also clearly knows that this is only a temporary phenomenon, and at most she can last until she goes back to sleep after reading the gift.

    In fact, the original plan did not include Werther giving her the ultimate prize.

    On the first day of the Mid-Autumn Festival, she secretly told everyone except Tang Panpan that she was going to give her a surprise, which was the ultimate prize she had prepared.

    Zhuang Jiu asked at the time whether it was possible to design a game where everyone would let out the water quietly, and then let Tang Panpan win, get some kind of grand prize, and then let her parents appear.

    But for the sake of confidentiality, she didn't tell the real big-mouthed cub about it.

    What happened on the Mid-Autumn Festival was basically similar to what Zhuang Jiu had imagined, but she didn't expect that Werther had really prepared the game, and Wang Zai was unexpectedly serious about the game. If it weren't for Liu Yun dragging its progress, I'm afraid that this grand prize is really not sure how to give it to Tang Panpan.

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