chapter twenty two

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"Hope for your journey to be a long one. Because when you reach the destination your memories are just a rose petal in your heart and a thorn in your mind. Hope for your love to be a good one because your hands are tied up with the morning and I like how you get wrapped up around my scars. Hope for your heart to stop beating from time to time. Hope for you soul and for your mind and forget how miserable your life is. Hope for you life to stop because you have reached the top of you mountain. Hope for your scars to never be healed so you know how much you can see and do. Hope for your life so praying feels like a blessing and living feels like a chore. Hope for your life to be short and for your love to be a god."

Todd's POV

I sit and wait for my mind to think of something other than a black hole. The black hole I want to get lost in. Have you ever felt like you are going inanse? Like, your thoughts are just so many that you feel like breaking your head in half? I feel like moving back and forth. I make a movement again and again until my mind proceeds to think of a good thought.

Did I fuck things up?

No I did not.

I think as much as possible and for what?

It just makes my life harder. I pray to God that my life ends soon. I feel like it is the only way to let go of this situation.


I hear a voice saying and I quickly close my book

"Yeah? Y/n?"

"Could we talk?"

"What for?"


She says and a million thoughts are dancing around my mind.

Do I mess this up? Again?

Yeah. Go on.

I take a big breath and try to stop myself from saying something to her.

"I feel like I want to kiss you."

I say and I instantly regret it.

"I did not mean to say this to y-"

"Todd. I think I want to kiss you too."

She whispers and I look at her, shocked, from head to toe while admiring her beautiful and mesmerising features. The way her pinkish lips move and the way her body language was like a bell through the night breaking the silence in half.

"But I cannot."

She says and she closes the door behind her.

"I want to talk to you."

She says and she sits down on the chair Neil uses when he studies.

Here we go.

Neil's POV

I am sitting under a tree, with the leaves of it making the perfect spot of shadow for me to be under. It feels like Y/n, God.. her.

I feel like the leaves of the trees are her fingers and that the shadows of them are her soft kisses.

"My heart is forever yours, and since you are mine, I should tell you that my mind is full with you. It feels like your heart is beating alongside with mine and that your voice follows me everywhere I go, from dusk to dawn, telling me to be a White swan,like you."

"I want to get lost in you"

"And feel your touch and whispers like you are skin from my skin and bone from my bone."

"I love you like never before."

"Your life is my reason to be a man and your love is my will to be the last man standing."

"I want to whisper in your ear and tell you how beautiful and flawless you look under the moonlight and how bright your eyes are when you look in mine."

"Be sure to stop by the wind of a woman named Ayesha because that is where you belong. In a city like the heaven with the angels and your love."

I write down and I stand up to go to my dorm.

"Your love feels like a blessing and a thorn. Always in my mind and my sould. And for what I have I am in you."

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