4. Masterpiece's fortune and the meeting

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"It is better to offer no excuse than a bad one."
― George Washington

Kaguya POV

About one year ago, I've asked the president "Oh, Shirogane-san. It seems your birthday passed by recently."

President nonchalantly replied with slight confusion "Oh, my birthday?"

How can someone forget their own birthday "Did you forget?"

"I haven't celebrated my birthday in years. It's just another day to me." His family condition is quite pitiful if I say." Are you saying that you want to throw me a birthday party?"

I coldly replied, " Not even if hell were to freeze over."

The statement I made was one of the most regrettable ones I've ever made. The president's birthday is 4 days from now. And , Ayanokouji-Kun rendezvous our meeting. I can ask him what to gift the president.

Aaaghhh Mouuu, what should I gift the president?

Ayanokouji POV

After talking to Manabu-senpai, I made my preparations for that day. I bought a nice phone with the help of chairman Sakayanagi's money.

And I can see Shinomiya is uncomfortable for some reason. Why is she glancing at me and Shirogane?

Ah, I forgot. Shirogane's birthday is within 4 days.

Maybe we should throw a party. He and his sister have been quite helpful to me in adjusting to my daily life.

"Hey, prez. Your birthday is within 4 days. Do you want something?" I gave a gift to Kei on her birthday. She gave me a bad rating which made me think that I'm bad at surprises.

Why is Shinomiya giving me a Thumbs up?

Shirogane made a face of realization. Then he looked at me with a sad smile. "Yeah. My family is poor, you know. I can't celebrate it. I don't need any parties."

Fujiwara cried "President is so pitiful." Her tone sounds so condescending.

"You are the noblesse oblige type, Fujiwara-Senpai. You look like caring but look down on people." Ishigami has a rather sharp tongue.

"Shut up Ishigami-Kun."

"How about we all throw a party for the president?" I asked.

"I'm in," Ishigami said with no hesitation.

"Me as well." Fujiwara was second to reply.

"I would like to join as well." Shinomiya also joined.

Shirogane looked happy. "Thanks, everyone. But I don't think you should waste your money."

"Nonsense, we are not paying for a costly restaurant," Fujiwara said.

"Yeah, let's make it simple and entertaining." Ishigami joined.

"Shirogane, don't worry about the cost. We will take care of it.

He sighed in defeat. "Well, I'm in your hands then."

"By the way, I have found a fortune teller app."

A/n: you know how this goes. Miyuki will not tell his fortune, and Kaguya does not get upset because now she's celebrating Miyuki's birthday.

"Well, it is Ayanokouji-kin's turn."

Initially, I didn't believe in fortune-telling, but it became quite true when I was in ANHS. It was incomplete but true.

I said to Fujiwara "My birthday is on October 20."

Fujiwara typed it and surprisingly everyone was interested in my fortune.

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