Chapter 1

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A/N: So yeah here's a lil short story about the Vanderwood parents that I've already completed on my Patreon. It's somewhat enlightening to further stories and previous ones.

I'll be releasing it one chapter a week until it's finished, but if you can't stand the wait, the whole thing is published on Patreon.


"So like... Your parents are cool with this, right?"

I tore my eyes off the mirror to roll them, sending my friend a hooded glance at his worry.

He was midway through tying his headful of braids back, not even bothering to meet my gaze.

He asked this every single time.

Every time we made plans to go out in the middle of the night. Every time he stopped by here to get ready with me.

"Just like the other six-hundred times you've asked, Zeke, They can't be cool with something they don't know about," I replied, trying to stomp out that flame of worry he was soo good at keeping lit.

I'm sure they had their suspicions here and there, but what they don't know won't kill them.

Knowing every detail of my life had to be tiresome, and the important facts were there to outweigh this one little thing.

I get my work done. I take care of the territory. I'm a good heir and an arguably better son.

I've reiterated that to Zeke multiple times, and yet here that question is again.

They were his Lord and Lady, so it was understandable, but I was his prince and also his best friend, so I felt like a bit of trust should be expected.

"I guess. I just get worried that if they find out they're gonna blame me for it." He explained, brown eyes looking at me through the mirror.

There would be no need for that given that this wasn't his fault. It was an escape I'd found all on my own.

Stumbling across an underground club of sorts with humans and vampires alike. The music, the lights, the atmosphere. It all called to me given that it wasn't anything I'd been able to partake in before.

At the time I called it an act of rebellion against my otherwise poise way of living given my status, but now it'd become a part of my weeks. Something I very much looked forward to after my royal duties.

It was nice. The parties, the alcohol, the women, it was everything I needed to step out of my princely duties and just enjoy myself. As myself... internally at least

Forget about the pressure of being the heir, step out of the expectations everyone around had for me, pause the stress every mention of my future brought to me. Just for a bit.

It let me feel like just a regular vampire. Allowed to go out and enjoy myself without worrying that every move I make will have an impact on my family.

It's how I met Ezekiel in the first place. Ten years later, we're still going out to hang out and get wild every Thursday night.

I had to wait a little bit before dropping the fact that I was the heir, but I'd say he took it well.

Well enough to now have access to this floor, my room, and occasionally have meals with my parents.

"They love you, dude. I think they're just happy I found a friend at all. If anything I'd just get a lecture about how what I'm doing is dangerous, but it's not like I'm careless."

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