chapter 19

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UNEDITED CHAPTER, so if theres spelling mistakes or what ever deal with it jk :)

*2 years later*

i just got back from another mission and went to my mansion were bella and alysa was taking care of my twins, Scarlett and Aiden.

(ye she got twins)

i still haven't talked to my family since I've been laying low.

after that incident in my office I've been doing a shit ton of digging well apart from taking care of 2 two year olds but bella and alysa have been a big help, i told them everything and they decided they will help me with everything.

the only people that know I'm 'alive' or whatever you want to call it is bella, alysa and jake.

no one except them knows about the twins and it will stay that way for a while I'm not taking any risks my babies come first always.

i did end up finding the person that drugged and shot me in my office and the pussy told me everything and that was the mission i had tonight it was a small gang thinking they could take us down and lets just say they unalive.

"heyy cuties" i said as i walked into the house.

"mama" they both said baby running towards me their so cute.

oh and their father well his an asshole tho.

i haven't heard from any of them which is good i don't want him anywhere near my children but i do want to show him he messed with the wrong person.

I've been keeping tabs on him and I'm gonna pay him a visit real soon.

"wanna watch a movie?" i asked bending down to their height.

"yessss!! i wanna watch little mirmaid" scarlett said jumping up and down.

"I don't wanna watch it but oh well" said aiden with a pouting face.

"if you don't wanna watch it we can watch super man" scarlett replied.

"realllyy!" aiden said as his eyes widen with happiness, i laughed as i took their hands and went up to my bedroom.

bella and alysa also went to bed, they were probably very tired lol.

i put the movie on after we climbed into bed, after a while they both fell assleep.


the next day i woke up with two todlers jumping over me back and forth like i was some kind of jumprope??

"heyy you two" they suddenly stop and looked at me with their eyes wide, then both of them got of the bed which was quite funny since they struggled and then after that they ran out the room

they are really funny/weird kids wonder were they get it from...

i went downstairs after washing my face and saw breakfast was ready.

the twins were definitely avioding eye contact.

"don't look she'll make uth tell the truthh" scarlet wispered to aiden.

"what are you talking about?" i asked lifting an eyebrow.

"ahh danmit i looked" aiden said as he fell back in his chair.

"dumbath" scarlett said giving him a soft slap on the back of his head.

"sooo we might have ate the chocolate in the cobot and got hyperjumpin" aiden said as i laughed, how can you be mad when they can't pronounce they words right.

"okay well now you can run around all day" i laughed and finished eating my breakfast.

after we ate we got up and i got the twins bathed and dressed.

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