𝐚𝐜𝐭 𝐭𝐰𝐨 ⎯⎯⎯⎯ ʜᴏᴍᴇ ꜱᴡᴇᴇᴛ ʜᴏᴍᴇ?

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Ada stepped foot into the gates of Winterfell, it being the first time since Theon invaded with The Ironborn. Her and Bran witnessed the deaths of many good people who served their family for decades. But they were helpless, they were only young children themselves, only being able to stand back and watch.

Ada remembered that day so vividly, she remembered the way Bran shook with fear, pleading for Sir Rodrik's life, but it was no use, Theon was far too gone.

The young boy latched himself onto Ada's dress, hysterical cries leaving his chapped lips. Her heart broke that day, not only did she mourn Sir Rodrik and the rest, but her childhood lover Theon.

Ada shuddered her thoughts away, she had bigger problems to worry about than the past, it was tragic but nothing will change. Her present and future is most important now.

Winterfell no longer had that warm, homey feeling. Another thing the Boltons snatched away from her. Regardless, she'd never forget the memories her and her family created. It was what she cherished most in this world.

"Welcome home, My Lady." Ramsay beamed, leading her further in.

Ada paid no mind to him, taking in the snowy castle she remembered so well. She'd admit she missed it more than she imagined. It looked entirely the same too, aside the fact there was no longer a Stark banner hanging up, but a Bolton Flag instead.

Ada could only scowl at that and Ramsay noticed. "Not a fan of the decorating, I assume."

"What gave that away." She sneered and Ramsay give her a daring look. He wanted to push her further to the edge, so the real fun could begin, but Ada was smart, she knew his game and she wouldn't play into it or that's what she told herself.

"Where's my brother- where's Rickon?" Ada questioned suddenly, at least wanting to know he was alive.

"Oh, you know, around. He should be fine, he has the company of my hounds." The Bolton boy smirked. "Great company, may I add."

Ada started to panic and Ramsay almost moaned at the sight. "Take me to him." She demanded, gritting her teeth. She knew she was pressing on thin ice but she didn't care.

Ramsay eyed the girl nastily. "You have no place here anymore. I suggest, for your brothers sake, you watch your tone." Ramsay threatened, earning a defeated huff from the girl.

If she wanted to live, she knew she'd have to abide by Ramsay's rules and make him believe she's buying into his nonsense. Doing that would go against everything she stands for, but her main priority is to get Rickon free and back to Jon and Sansa.

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