☼ F i v e ☼

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IT WAS FINALLY EVENING as Florence settled in her temporary home. 221a Baker Street. The room was pretty nice and simple. It wasn't big, it had only two rooms. The main one had a sofa, a chimney, a tiny kitchen corner and big bookshelves around. Second room was fitted only for a two sized bed and a restroom entrance.

It was her first time in a long time to be away from everyone she knew. But luckily for her, Sherlock Holmes was just upstairs, in 221ʙ so she wasn't completely alone.

Flo was just laying in her bed, thinking about everything that had happened in the last couple of days..years maybe. She knew, that things were changed permanently. She would never be back in her old home, living with Enola. She realised that her best friend was on her own path and that the girl herself needed to find hers.

Oh Florence was really scared. She had no idea with what to do next. She had to get a job, right? The girl had some money, but it wouldn't last for long considering she had to pay rent, not starve and get new clothes to fit in.

She started thinking about the choices that she had. Right, none.
She sure as hell didn't want to become a prostitute, but that seemed as the only accessible job considering she didn't have any experience.

Flo thought about Eduoria and then it hit her. Edith Grayston.
Of course! Edith was an amazing woman, that was a friend and a partner to Eudoria. Florence had met her a lot of times, one of them being the meetings they used to have back at home. She knew about the little "cafe" Miss Grayston had and it seemed as a wonderful idea to help her out there.
Maybe Flo could even relearn the ju-jitsu she had tried years ago.
How exiting!


Disturbed by a ray of sunshine, Florence woke up feeling very disoriented. She opened her eyes as everything came into focus.
Where was she?
Oh, right.
"Why can't I just sleep for the rest of my life?" She groaned, rolling in her bed. She could never get straight up after just waking up. She had to lay there for at least five minutes to get some morning energy. 

Finally, on her way to the Tearooms, Florence scanned through the streets. She didn't like it here outside. There were so many people and everything was just way too noisy.
With every step, the place was closer and closer, until she was in front of the entrance.

Opening the door, she came in. Walking confidently to the back room, passing customers and a big bookshelf. Her getting curious, she returned to the books and took a look at them. "Wow"she thought,"this looks illegal". Flo took one book in her hand to explore.

"You can take a seat Miss, I'll be there in a moment" she heard a familiar voice.

A smile formed on her face: "I hope you can join me then Edee."

"Florence! Well that's a pleasant surprise," The Grayston woman immediately recognised the other one, smiling back at her she replied: "Yes I will join you, but I can't stay for long"

Flo then sat in the corner of the tearooms, examining the book she took with herself. Shortly after, Edith came back.
"So how have you been?" Florence tried to make a normal conversation, but failing with her awkwardness.

After hours filled with conversation they were upstairs. And then the surprise came: Enola.
Flo saw her from where she was sitting, though the office's windows. Enola was talking to Edith.

Florence smiled to herself, closing the same book from before as she saw the two women approaching.

"Enola! I'm so glad you're okay." Flo exclaimed as soon as Enola stepped into the room.
Enola smiled but looked quite nervous.

"Don't worry, I won't tell Sherlock I saw you and of course, I won't say a word to Mycroft."
Enola let go of the breath she was holding: "Thank you," she said.

"I'll leave you two, this seems a bit like none of my business. If you need me, you can find me here in the mornings."

And like that, Florence left the building as the evening started approaching.


So this was a bit of filler chapter I guess? Sorry for not updating, I'm just never satisfied with the result and I keep deleting and rewriting the text😭 I also got a bit lazy as you can see in my writing lol.
Anyways, I'll try to be faster next time. I will appreciate if you leave some suggestions( about my grammar, writing or the plot etc)
Don't forget to vote !❤️

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