Day Starts

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"Oh wow..." Anya exhaled and heavily dropped on her bottom.

Her whole body was trembling, and she just couldn't take her panting under control.

"That's my line," Klaus muttered.

His eyes were closed; and he groaned, lifted his visibly shaking hands, and rubbed his face.

"I'll be right back."

Her voice was wobbly - and so were her knees. Her quick trip to the ensuite ended up quite perilous, since she rammed her shoulder in the door frame on her way in - and stubbed her toe on the bed leg on her way back. When she took her spot next to him again, he still had his face covered.

"It might be my tenth or so orgasm in twelve years talking, but you might be a natural, älskling."

Anya giggled. "Well, that's definitely not a well-practised skill," she joked.

He peeked at her between his fingers. "You could have fooled me. That was a perfectly executed bl–"

Anya lunged forward and covered his mouth with her hand.

"Don't be crass," she said and felt his lips move, probably in a smile, under her palm. She huffed a fake annoyed exhale. "It's like we're in secondary again."

He laughed harder, his shoulders shaking now too. He gently picked up her wrist and kissed the centre of her palm, flipped her hand, and kissed her knuckles.

"Because it's all over the clothes, or with hands or mouth?" he asked cheekily.

"Because we're discussing it in detail," she grumbled.

"We have to, unfortunately," he answered softly. "It's not like we can hook up like normal people. We're navigating a disability and a twelve-year dry spell here."

Anya gave him a studying look over and then carefully climbed on top of his legs. They'd already figured out that she could - without hurting him - sit on his thighs, just a bit lower than where one would normally straddle their lover.

"You–" She poked his stomach with her index finger, and he made a croaking surprised noise. "–are a selfish man."

His eyebrows jumped up.

"It's all 'me, me, me,'" she continued, desperately trying to keep frowning and holding her grin back. "It's all about how you're this amazing shag, although you have slightly less mobility than your past self, and maybe has had a bit less practice than an average Lothario in the past few years. But the fact that I've only slept with a handful of men in my life, and I've just aced two blowjobs, without much experience? That - we aren't discussing."

He burst into throaty guffaws, and Anya beamed at him proudly.

"I beg forgiveness," he proclaimed and pressed his hand to his chest. "Let's talk about your–" He snorted. "–oral skills."

"We only need to talk about it if I'm doing something wrong," Anya said and poked him again, this time a bit lower.

His tee had hiked up, and Anya had to work properly hard on keeping her hands away from his stomach - and his upper body. She'd only touched him below his navel just now, and she craved to find out whether his chest hair had the same warm auburn colour as the curls she'd been 'introduced' two hours prior.

"I just watched a couple of videos, and it's hard to–" she started.

"You learn that from porn?!" he interrupted her.

"No, it wasn't porn. It was a legitimate educational video, I found a channel on YouTube," Anya said strictly. "The person has got several degrees in related sciences, and years of sex work experience."

Every Bookshop Needs a Cat (Fleckney Fields Series, Book 2)Where stories live. Discover now