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Chapter Sixteen

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Ch.16: Seducing the Rockstar

Hours later, after Elle had gone, Jude finally came home, and by that point, I was very drunk.

My phone hadn't stopped, but the more I drank, the less I worried about how everything had changed so suddenly and what this meant from now on.

When Jude walked through the front door, his curls pulled back in a small knot, I tried to jump off my stool to meet him and almost ended up face-down on the floor.

"You're home," I cried, steadying myself on the edge of the bar.

Jude slung his leather jacket onto the stool next to me, and glanced ruefully at his phone. "Yeah, and I obviously owe you an apology. I didn't think everything would kick off this quickly."

"Neither did I."

Jude looked around, and his forehead crinkled. "Uh, Camden? Why are there clothes everywhere?"

I blinked.

Oh yeah, I'd forgotten about those.

At some point – I couldn't remember when – Elle had encouraged me to try on my new outfits, and they'd ended up on the floor afterwards. And on the breakfast bar. And the sofa. A lacy bra dangled from the corner of the fridge, and I had no idea how it had got there.

"Redecorating," I explained. "Elle and I thought the loft could do with a new look."

Jude lifted the bra with one finger, and smiled. "I like your taste in decor," he said. His smile faded. "We should probably talk about what's happened."

I thought about mentioning Neil's visit, then decided against it. Jude looked exhausted, like someone had scrubbed away some of the rockstar sparkle, and I didn't know if that was just due to the album, or if our marriage going public had thrown up other problems for him. He was the one who'd made it public, but as he'd said, neither of us had expected things to take off this fast.

"I need a drink first," I said.

Jude headed to the fridge, then paused and picked up a cropped T-shirt that was draped over the yellow roses. Several petals fell to the countertop.

"Sorry," I said.

"No worries. Annie replaces them every couple of days anyway," Jude said.

"I really never imagined you as a flowers kind of guy," I commented.

Jude grinned. "I'm not. I don't give a shit about them, but Annie thinks they brighten up the place."

My brain stumbled a little. "Wait, so you don't ask her for them?"

"Not my thing. One day she turned up with this vase and a bunch of flowers, told me they'd look good in here, and she's been topping them up ever since."

"Doesn't that seem a little weird to you?"

"Not really." Jude fetched two beers from the fridge and handed one to me. He didn't say a word about how much of his expensive gin Elle and I had chugged. "Let's go up to the roof," he said.

I wanted to pursue the Annie thing with him, because it was weird, especially in light of what had happened earlier, but working out what we did now that our secret was out was more important.

I followed Jude up to the terrace.

The fresh air hit me like a slap, and I wobbled, reaching for the nearest chair for support.

"You okay?" Jude said, steadying me.


I tried to sit gracefully, but instead I collapsed into the chair like a melting snowman. Very sexy.

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