9. Running away

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it's been a month and a half since I got the blue lilies, and the snow has been melting and Curtis should wake up anytime soon.

I sold or ate almost all of my food, leaving 20lbs of it left, and I've started to notice that my spice stores are running low. I haven't gained a whole lot of stats or levels. I've been sleeping or drawing this whole winter away. The only eventful thing I did was see May, water the blue lilies, wash my clothes, and sell things. The ape tribe knows me as the crazy Witchdoctor trader.

I was eating my breakfast when I heard Curtis stir, he was awakening. I stopped what was doing and rushed to him. He opened his eyes and let out a big yawn, his red hair was a bit longer too.

"It's good to see you survived Adia," he said groggily, he stretched before realizing that there was something in his tail. He picked it up, the blue lilies in their grey pot in their pristine beauty. "These are for me?" Curtis asked, absolutely bewildered.

"Yes, they are, I found them and I thought they looked pretty, so I got them for you, Elliott told me that they meant love too," I told him. He hugged me tightly.

"Thank you, Adia, you don't know how much this means to me!" Curtis said, I think I felt a tear go down his face and onto my shoulder. "Wow, you've changed the place,"

"You are welcome Curtis, and yes I did add some things to the cave, now, are you hungry?" I asked him. He nodded at me. "Would you like some of the cooked meat we stored up?" He nodded again

I took out the remaining meat and gave it to him with a bit of salt. He devoured the whole thing. "Fell better Curtis?" I asked him.

"Yes, I do I'm still going to go hunt since I'm still weak, would you like me to bring you something back?" he asked me.

"No thank you, thanks for asking though," I told him. He stretched a bit further and went out of the cave pushing the blanket out of his way.

I decided to fill my water bottle back up. I pushed the flap of the blanket door and walked outside to the river you could see it. The cave wasn't too hard to get there.

I should get some new clothes, all of my clothes are made for winter, not the summer and spring

I recommend dresses, it's what all females usually wear, and the fact that a lot use furs for clothes, females also wear tube tops and mini skirts they are very tight though.

Thank you for the advice Elliott

I finished filling up my water bottle and went back to the cave. I realized the blanket was white, and the surrounding area is green now, so I took it down.


A large hawk was circling the area, luckily I was already in the cave so he didn't spot me.

What the hell? Did the search party finally find me?

By the looks of it, yes they did, stay inside the cave until Curtis comes back, and they'll continue to circle until they see absolutely no trace of you.

The Beast World's Gift (Discontinued, another one being written)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat