Chapter Seventeen

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Things can finally start to be normal again. And there's a lot of missed moments to catch up on.


You stood in front of their door again, a whole new kind of nervousness washing over you. You thought about it for a week before calling them and asking them to meet so you could all talk. Of course, they readily agreed and invited you over to their house.


There was the pounding of footsteps and the door opened. You gulped as the door opened and the 7 of them were standing there. Suddenly, your brain stopped and you just froze.

"(y/n), are you alright, baby?" Jungkook asked.

"Y-Yeah, sorry." You chewed on your lip as you hung your head. They shook their heads with assurance and invited you in. You removed your shoes but stood there.

"Sit, it's okay. Do you want a drink?" Jin offered with a kind smile. You thought about it for a while.

"Yes, please." You said softly, sitting down. You wanted to discuss this with a clear mind but you needed alcohol to help you relax as well. Right now, you were as stiff as a board. Even as you sat on the couch, the boys could see how tense your posture was. You sat upright with your knees together and your hands folded over lightly.

"Here." Yoongi handed you some whiskey.

"Thank you." You received it with two hands before taking a small sip. Slowly, your shoulders dropped and your nerves calmed very slightly. They all sat around you.

"I've thought about it..." You started.

"There's no use being mad anymore. It... It happened... And being like this is obviously having a toll on all of us." You looked at all of them.

"We just want you to be comfortable and happy with whatever you decide. Even if it's with us or not." Taehyung forced a smile. You could tell that they all haven't slept much as well, like you.

"At first, I kept asking myself why you guys decided so quickly to just leave, instead of working it out with me. But then, I... I realised that the reason why it happened was not within our control, was it? At that time, you just did what you thought was right." You said.

"Of course. We just wanted to keep you safe, even if it ended up hurting all of us, we couldn't see you hurt anymore." Jimin agreed.

"I don't want to make this decision for all of us. This works both ways. So I would like to know what you all think about this. What do you think we should do?" You asked. They were all shocked.


"I know you guys prioritise what I want and I am very grateful for that. But I need to know what you guys expect too." You fiddled with your fingers.

"We know things can never go back to the way it was, after all that happened. But to be honest, we did always hold on to the hope of being together again. Start afresh together." Hoseok spoke for everyone, who nodded in agreement.

"I see..." You nodded. With your response, the boys' hearts began to sink. Maybe they were wrong for thinking that you would readily come back to them now that they've told you the real reason why they left. Apprehension was obvious all over your face. No one else said anything as they waited for you to speak and share your thoughts.

"There's no doubt that I still care for all of you deeply. I think starting afresh is a good idea but I just need you guys to know that it's going to take some time for me." You said.

"D-Definitely! We'll take things slow." Taehyung stuttered.

"But can you guys promise to just tell me if things arise next time? To spare the heartbreak." You tried to joke to lighten the atmosphere.

Knights of Yesterday (Part 2 of Rebels of Power)Where stories live. Discover now