part three part of the team

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"He knew there was going to be a lot of contestants, but he wasn't expecting what he saw.

"Holy moly... that's a lot of animals," John breathes out at the extremely long line waiting in front of the Moon Theater.

Gulping he leans out from his spot in line to get a good look of the line. He's going to be here a while, if not all day. One hundred grand is a lot of money and quite enticing, but he didn't think a lot of animals would show up solely for it. I mean, the singing would be fun, but he can relate to wanting a lot of money.

Now he's feeling a tad guilty about it. He wonders if it's right for him to entering if others are in desperate need of money for their family, more so than himself. His family can get by just well enough, but is it enough? What of others? Should he deny them as well? Growing irritated on the thought he wonders if he could split some of the money. Though he promised his family it's OK if he doesn't win the money.

It's a bad habit of his. Whenever he sees someone in trouble, he finds it hard to ignore them. As his mother say to him, he's too kind for his own good. Because of that he doesn't know what to do. Should he be selfish? Or should he let someone else win? But it's dishonorable if he doesn't give it his all and might offend the others who are trying or doing their best.

In the mist of his thinking someone bumps into him from behind. Almost losing his footing he steadies himself in the nick of time and lets out a sighing relief.

"Oh, I'm so sorry!" a female voice speaks up behind.

Turning around John comes face-to-face to an older pig lady who looks a little out of breath, like she sprinted here as fast as possible. Her green eyes looking apologetic as she'd ran into him in her running.

Light pink skin and floppy ears as typical features of a pig, with freckles and blonde eyebrows as her defining features. Her outfit consist of a pink buttoned up short sleeve blouse, light blue pants, and pointed black shoes. A simple look, but"it works for her.

Knowing it wasn't her fault and being the polite and friendly young hedgehog, his family raised him to be he smiles back kindly, "It's alright. I was too deep in thought to pay attention to my surroundings," he dismisses it the accident with a wave, "I should be asking if you're OK? You look like you've ran a marathon to get here."

"Not really," she chuckles, "I just wanted to make sure I got a spot in line before it was too late. My mornings are always hectic with my family."

"I can relate," John  snorts playfully as he thinks of his mother, "By the way, I'm john It's a pleasure to meet you, eh Miss...?"

"Oh!" she perks up, "It's Mrs., but please call me Rosita."

Smiling he raises his hooves. "I see. Well it's nice to meet you all the same Rosita."

"You're quite the polite young gazelle," Rosita gives a friendly paw shake back, "My children could learn a thing or two from you."

"That depends on how unruly they are," John mockingly groans,

Rosita lets out a small giggle.

"So... are you entering the competition I take?"  John asks, "Though seeing as you're here, and your earlier comment, that's probably the case. Silly question to ask."

She seemed a little uncertain for a moment before having a more relaxed expression, "Yes... though I'm beginning to wonder if it was a good idea now."

"I had the same thought," John sighs as he rubs his head, "Well truthful I came to enter the competition for the prize money mostly to help with my mothers ' bills. Though mother encouraged me to just have fun and make some friends and memories, but I worry about them. I can't help it."

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