Remus And His Girlfriend

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February started with a flurry of snow.

It wasn't very deep, and didn't linger for very long, but all of the students were outside, throwing snowballs and walking on the frozen lake. Gleeful shouts and large white snowflakes filled the air.

Remus walked along the edge of the lake with Freya. There were tiny snowflakes in her hair and her cheeks were glowing bright pink from the cold. Remus laced his hands with hers. He was wearing fingerless gloves, but he could feel how cold her hands were. 

"Would you like my gloves?" He offered, dropping her hand and gesturing to his gloves. 

She shook her head, although her fingers were like icicles. Remus took his gloves off anyway and slipped them onto her hands, before taking her hand in his once again and continuing their walk around the edge of the lake.

Remus could see James, Sirius and Peter in the distance. They hadn't spotted him yet, and were busy throwing snowballs at each other. The edges of his lips turned up as he watched Peter drop snow down the back of James's jacket, before running away as fast as he could.

He turned to Freya and smiled, putting a finger to his lips to indicate that they had to stay quiet. 

Remus bent down and scooped up a large snowball. He patted the edges of it several times to make it solid and then hurled it towards his friends. Remus didn't usually have very good aim, but the snowball hit Peter right in the middle of his back.

Remus grabbed Freya's hand and pulled her quickly behind a tree out of sight of his friends.

The pair giggled as Peter turned around, looking confused and then blamed Sirius, who was right in front of him.

Remus decided to try his luck again. He scooped up another large snowball, but this time James was his target. He got lucky once again, and this one hit James in the cheek. James turned around with a frown on his face, but Remus and Freya had already leaped behind a large tree. They giggled once more as James blamed Sirius, who was of course entirely innocent.

Sirius must have suspected that he would be targeted next, because as soon as the snowball was travelling towards him, he stopped it with his wand, and sent it flying back towards Remus. Remus was taken aback, and the snowball hit him square in the chest.

"You can't get me that easily Moony!" Sirius shouted with a devilish grin. 

Before Remus knew it, he was the target of all three boys and was being bombarded with snowballs.

Freya was laughing so hard that she felt like her lungs were going to freeze from the cold air. She grabbed Remus's hand and ran, dragging him off into the trees away from the snowball attack.

As the sun shone on the grounds that afternoon, the snow melted into a wet grey slush, and the following morning, it was totally gone. 

Remus got his werewolf assignment back that day.

"B?" He frowned, giving the grade on the top of his parchment a look of disgust.

"You clearly just don't know enough about werewolves. Perhaps you need to do more research." Sirius teased, elbowing him playfully.

"As if she knows more about werewolves than me anyway." Remus grumbled, enchanting the parchment so that it turned into a bird and fluttered around the classroom. It swooped and swirled, catching the attention of everyone in the classroom. Students stopped doing their work to look up, point and laugh.

The professor pointed her wand at the paper bird, and it gave out a pained squawk, before dropping dead onto her desk. She unfolded the parchment and gave Remus a stern look.

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