Chapter 20

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⚠️ Chapter Warning
⚠️ Torture

"What do you want with me?" Y/N spits, glaring at the creature before her. "I'm of no use to you."

"Oh but you are. Slendy has a soft spot for you. All of them have a soft spot for you and I'm going to use that. I will be the ultimate creepypasya ruler," Zalgo growls out. "Treating each other like a family. It sickens me!"

"You're mad because no one will ever love you!" Y/N spits back, grunting in surprise when she's suddenly slapped.

"Don't spout such nonsense! Love is a ridiculous feeling!" Zalgo fires back. "I have the power to take away love and you're going to be the first one I do it to."

"Good luck with that," She snorts in amusement. "A lot of people have tried."

Zalgo huffs, reaching out a clawed hand and resting it against her cheek. It's warm to the touch which surprises Y/N. She had a feeling it would be cold. She can feel the warmth slowly envelope her entire body, happy memories flooding her mind. Suddenly, Zalgo yells in pain and a black smoke suddenly blasts around Y/N. Zalgo snaps his hand back with a pained snarl and glares at her. He stomps back and grabs her wrist to find Slender's mark.

"Tch, of course he's marked you already. Maybe we can chop your hand off. Throw it away," Zalgo sneers as he grasps Y/N's wrist in a tight hold that bruises the skin. "He may protect you from magical attacks but he can't stop physical ones."

Y/N's eyes widen at his words, swallowing the lump in her throat. "You're gonna torture me? What good will it do? You won't get any of us. Just go create your own proxies."

"You don't get it woman! I don't want to make my own I want to take! That's what this life is about! You take because you're a cold blooded killer!" Zalgo snarls. "Yet Slender makes everyone FEEL human! We aren't humans! We're creepypasta!"

"Ummm hello? Plenty of murderers have had families. Just because you don't feel guilt killing doesn't mean you don't feel guilt in other places. Homicide isn't the only feeling," Y/N points out, screaming in pain when her wrist is snapped.

"This is what we're meant to do. Torture and control," Zalgo sneers, trailing his clawed hand up Y/N's arm and to her shoulder.

He then trails it lower until he reaches her abdomen, her body tense in fear of what he would do next. He draws his hand back and she lets go of a breath, his sharp claws jammed right into her stomach. She gasps out in pain, whimpering when he pulls them out.

"I didn't hit anything so it'll stop bleeding eventually. Mostly a flesh wound," Zalgo snickers. "What else should I break huh? What more should I destroy?"

"Please stop," Y/N gasps out.

It hurt. Her wrist and her stomach were throbbing and she could do nothing. Her hands were chained above her head so she had no way of nursing her wrist or trying to cover the wound in her stomach. She flinches when Zalgo moves his hand towards her face, whimpering when his hand trails to her neck. Suddenly, all of her air is cut off and she can do nothing about it.

She tries jerking her head back but it just hits the concrete which dazes her. Her vision begins to swim and black dots start to blot out the light. She had never felt so helpless before. Just as she's about to lose consciousness the hand is taken away and her body gasps for breath. She coughs and chokes on the sudden flood of air, gasping as her body tries to get back the oxygen. She pants when she finally has her breathing relatively under control, Zalgo grinning a very dark grin. This wasn't going to end for a while.

Y/N loses track of time and everything eventually just goes numb. She can't lift her head any longer and she could see nothing but blood all over her torn clothes and bare skin. She looks at Zalgo with blurry eyes when he forces her head up so she can look at him. He sneers as he grasps her chin, her eyes wide with fear. He finally lets go and leaves Y/N alone in the room. She looks around the dimly lit room. She was in some kind of old basement which would explain the concrete. What little furniture is in here is old and rotting, the place smelling of old wood. She sighs and slumps forward, immediately regretting it from the pain she gets in her stomach and the way the chains pull at her wrist hurts too.

She does her best to find a good sitting position but it's downright impossible to get comfortable in this position. How was she ever going to escape? This guy looked just as powerful as Slender is and claiming to be a Creepypasta Lord?! The hell even is that?! He clearly just wants to overthrow Slender. Zalgo was afraid of Slender and Y/N was beginning to understand why. Slender could destroy Zalgo if he wanted and he'd do it all with an army because the creepypastas would fight with Slender. Zalgo was afraid of that.

Y/N looks back up at her chained wrists, rubbing the metal of one cuff against the bare skin of her broken wrist. It burns but she gets her wrist bleeding, beginning to use her blood to lubricate her hands so she can pull them from the cuffs. After a while she finally succeeds, holding her stomach as she gets to her feet. She hurries to the door Zalgo had gone through. She groans when she finds it locked, pressing her ear against the door. She couldn't hear anything. Maybe the place was sound proof?

She shakes her head and looks through the furniture in hopes of finding something to help. She grins when beneath one of the old shelves is a screw driver, rushing back to the door and just taking the screws off the door knob. She quietly opens it and walks up the stairs, listening at the second door at the top. She still can't hear anything and this door isn't locked this time so she slips out. She opts to climb out a window instead of the door. She still didn't see him anywhere! She drops down from the window but freezes when she looks around.

They were in the middle of nowhere! She hesitates but pushes through her pain, running through the dead corn that made up the property. She just had to go straight and she'd find a road eventually. Despite the pain from her injuries and her lungs screaming for air she pushes on, trying to put as much distance between her and the farmhouse as possible.

"Going so soon?" Zalgo's voice snickers, echoing all around her. "You're a tough one I'll give you that but there will be no escape. You're my toy now."

"I am not a toy!" She snarls in anger as she tries  to run.

"Oh but you are. Something fun to play with until I get bored. Did people get bored of you? Leave you forever? Come to hate you and just abandon you?" His voice echoes around her. "No one will miss you. Despite how you think no one is going to care that you're gone. They'll move on with their lives."

"You're a liar!" Y/N screams as she tries to get away. "Leave me alone!"

"You sure? You want me to leave you all alone?" Zalgo laughs darkly. "I can do that but you'll never escape. You'll never find your way out."

"I will!" Y/N spits out. "I'll get away from you!"

"Will you now?" Zalgo chuckles, suddenly appearing in front of her.

Y/N turns and tries to run but Zalgo is faster and has her tackled to the ground. He easily get her hands tied and then her feet, the rope burning her wrists and ankles. She cries out as the rope digs into her broken wrist, grunting when Zalgo throws her over his shoulder. She squirms and screams for help despite knowing it was all in vain. She slumps down after a while and just cries, her head swimming with a million thoughts. She was going to die! Just as she got accepted and found her family she was going to die and leave them all behind.

Once they get back to the house Zalgo takes her to the basement again and this time puts the cuffs tighter around Y/N's wrist so she can't slip out this time. She whimpers from the pain in her wrist, trembling slightly as she stares at Zalgo. What was he going to do now? She had no idea what to even expect at this point anymore.

"I'm impressed. You're pretty handy for a human," Zalgo remarks, the screw driver in his hand as he smirks. "Too bad you got caught. I'm going to play with you a while."

"You won't get anything from me," Y/N hisses back at him.

Zalgo laughs, slamming the screwdriver into Y/N's shoulder and twisting it, enjoying her cries of pain. He pulls it out and just lets her wound bleed. She'd likely pass out soon. He was surprised she hadn't already done so. She was definitely a fighter. No wonder Slender wanted her to stay. She had strength a lot of normal humans didn't. Zalgo couldn't help but wonder if she had a secret she was hiding. Something that happened in her childhood to make her so headstrong. Zalgo leaves to grab a medical kit so he can make sure she doesn't bleed to death. Hopefully he could avoid infections so he could have fun with her a while. Maybe he'd deliver Slender her head on a silver platter when he was done.

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