Chapter 50

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I glance at his hand before taking it and letting him guide me away.

"Don't ruin any of the walls or floors!"

"Get fucked!" Lucas calls back at Angel.

"If you insist." He yells back and I squeeze my free hand to stop both the giddiness and embarrassment I'm currently feeling.

"Ignore him." Lucas whispers near my ear, his breath hot on my skin. "We're not going to do anything." He halts and then a smirk spreads across his lips. "Unless you want to."

"Stai zitto." I mutter. Because apparently, that is the only thing I was capable of saying.

He chuckles, the sound low and deep and emitting that heat I felt in the car back into my body.

He keeps walking me through different hallways, eventually up some stairs and then more corridors.

"Where are we going?"


"Don't shush me." I hit his arm.

"I'll shush you all I want." He retorts.

I narrow my eyes. "I'll block you."

"I'd like to see you fucking try." He levels me with an equal stare.

"I will."

He scoffs and then opens a door, guiding us through it.

"I mean it. If you don't stop being so... so you. I'll do it."

"What happened to accepting who people are? You know. World peace and all that."

"That has absolutely nothing to-"

"So you don't accept who I am, Principessa? Wow. That hurts. Maybe you're not who I thought you were." He counters.

I roll my eyes and shake my head. "Thank you for reminding me how petty you are."

His grin is wide and nothing but sunshine as he says, "You're very welcome."

Looking around, I see that he's brought me to a little sitting room.

"For when you get tired." He states. "Or feel your anxiety starting up. Or when you just need a minute to yourself."
He pauses. "Or when you need a minute with me."

My heart swells and moisture fills my eyes.

He curses and takes a step closer. "Shit, I didn't mean to make you upset. I just know that you like to be alone sometimes. I wasn't being mean or making fun. I swear, Principessa. I only thought that whenever we're here for a party or something, you would want to have a place to go to when-"

I don't know what comes over me. What gives me the courage and spontaneity to do what I do. But I couldn't hear it anymore. If I did, my entire being may have shattered to a million little pieces.

My hands reach up to grab the collar of his shirt and I pull, crashing my lips to his.

It's not a kiss like before. Just one. But it's enough to have my insides turn to goo.

I don't see his reaction. Only wrap my arms around him and burying my head into his chest. "Thank you."

After a few beats, his arms come around me, holding me even tighter than I am him, if that's possible.

"You're welcome, baby."

My heart sings at the pet-name. Just as I've noticed it also does at him calling me Principessa. That one used to sustain a type of mocking insult, but now whenever the word leaves his lips, it does so with a soft coo that brings warmth into my soul.

Belladonna  (Billionaire Boys Club #1) Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu