The system [Error and Nightmare]

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He went inside the room slowly, carefully, with one, specific goal in mind which refused to leave now that it has planted itself there. In fact, it had been emerging more and more often as the burning desire transpired without a warning.

The other skeleton seemed to already know his intentions, especially if the wet, dark spots under his eye sockets were anything to go by.

And Error saw Nightmare open his arms for him. Yeah.

"Come here, Killer. I would lie if I said I don't want to do this, but-."

"Night... it's alright." Error interrupted him quickly with a groan of dissatisfaction. "Please, we both want it, don't we?"

The other's face brightened.

"Let it be then." Nightmare bounced off of his seat, an overjoyed smile appearing on his face. He could use that too. With both eye lights flickering, he embraced his beloved in his warmth, the two sharing it with one another. "You're glitching from the touch, Killer."

"Yeah, that means the glitches like you." Error laughed, some more pixels traveling away from his body just to return moments later.

"I sure do hope so. I like them too... I like you." Nightmare reached for the other's skull and stroked it lovingly, admiring the subtle buzzing sensations against his fingers.

"That's why we're a couple, you idiot." The tone didn't match the insult and they were both perfectly aware of it.

"Come with me." The taller one grabbed Error's hand and brought him to the smallish couch that resided in the corner of his room.

And Error followed willingly. There was nothing he wouldn't do for the beauty in front of him, each day he felt even more love. Even more obsession of sorts.

The two reached the beige piece of furniture and plopped down, keeping close to each other. Error was ready to lean against his lover, but before he could go through with it, the other put his hands on his cheeks and started rubbing a little.

"So, what has happened?"

"Hm?" The glitching monster tilted his skull to the right, squinting his eye sockets. "What do you mean?"

"You don't normally do this without some excuse."

Error's gaze dropped to the floor. His least favorite part of being with someone was that whole communication business. Unless of course Nightmare was the one doing it! He needed some feedback after all to keep his beloved happy. That was his sheer purpose in life.

"...I saw you being... affectionate with Killer and I..."

"Oh, Killer. You should know by now this doesn't mean anything. And certainly not what you think it does." Nightmare was quick to reassure his boyfriend, he always was. If there was one thing he needed in his existence, it was to make sure his dearest darling was alright. "I love you and only you."

Error's soul melted under the comforting weight of reassurances. A soft blush now adorned both skeletons' faces. Oh, that really was the only required factor to keep him going. It has been for a while now.

"What about you? Any... unpleasant encounters?"

"Well..." Nightmare scratched the back of his neck, so the other nodded at him. "I saw you kissing Nightmare..."

A gasp left Error's mouth but he quickly composed himself.

"Yes, but it was a dare, and you know I'm unable to turn one down..." He glanced to the side, a wobbly smile presenting itself now.

"You and your problematic personality." The dark king huffed, but a loving grin never left his face, his gaze fixated on the other. "That's why I love you though... I love you... so fucking much." Nightmare's face gradually altered into a mix of mania and extreme distress, all the while tracing the lines under his boyfriend's eyes.

"Hey." Error began softly, keeping his stare on the other. "We both had some shitty situations lately, how about we kiss it out?"

Visible bliss took over Nightmare's expression and his shoulders lost their tension. Not uttering a single word, he brought his boyfriend into a big hug. One arm wrapped around his waist with the second one around his shoulders to make sure that they would remain close. They stared into each other's vibrant eye lights before going in for the kiss. The action took long, leaving the two breathless and even coughing a little.

"I love you, Killer."

"I love you too, Nightmare."

Error fetched his love closer for one more short, finishing kiss.

"Are you feeling better now?" He smiled lovingly at the other, admiring Nightmare's brightly purple cheeks.

"Yeah, you?"

"Me too."

The high was gradually decreasing, satisfying both skeletons' desires for yet another day and keeping them sane.

"That was... satisfactory... Should we finish now?" Nightmare asked as he stood up and straightened his spine. His blush was dying down with each second, but the delighted expression didn't leave his facade.

"Alright, Night-".

The conversation was interrupted by an audible and unmistakable creak of the room's door. The light from the hallway revealed the newcomer to be Nightmare - the self-proclaimed king of the castle.

"Cross, I-." He leaned on the doorframe, his gaze landing on Error. "Ah, you're here too, well then. I just wanted to inform you that Killer and I are going out. We most likely won't return until the evening."

"You and... Killer?" Cross spoke slowly, his expression transforming into a frown.

"Yeah." His boss replied with a creased brow and looked at the glitch who kept quiet up until now.

"...Have... fun?"

Realizing that he wasn't getting anything more out of these two Nightmare bid his goodbye and left the room. Once out of there he allowed himself to finally roll his eye light. Really, what was going on with these skeletons recently? Occasionally, he would find them hanging out together and then acting weird once he acknowledged that. What were they doing, dating...?

Nightmare smirked, if it was true then good for them he guessed. But since they haven't shown signs of willingness to admit to it then he wasn't going to push, especially so early on. And so he went to find and focus on his own boyfriend.

Meanwhile, back in Cross' room, the two monsters redirected their eye lights to one another with widened sockets. They just gawked for a minute before the owner of the room came closer to Error and put a hand on his shoulder squeezing it rather forcefully.

"We're not- we're not finishing now, I've changed my mind." He stuttered, his expression unchanging.

"We're not." Error repeated mindlessly.

"You love me, right, Killer?"

"You have no idea, Nightmare."

The system wasn't flawless, but it was just enough to keep everyone satisfied.

Error's book of angst and fluff (finished)Where stories live. Discover now