Chapter 1 - Introductions

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Marinette's POV

Ahh finally, the day's over! I stretched back in my chair then began packing away my art supplies. Now I gotta finish this for next week...there's also that paired project with Damian we have due for Friday later on this week...Oh and I have to finish my clothing line for next weekend for the Gala AND I have a concert on the 31st and the meet and greet right after. Sigh... So much work to do.

A knock came at the art room door and I looked up to see Jason. "You ready, Mari?" I heavily sighed, "Yeah yeah, gimme a sec, k?" He entered and was amazed by my art even though he's seen so many of my pieces before. Afterall, I'm here on an art scholarship and because of my grades in general. Once I was done packing up, he took my bag and started walking out the door.

Marinette: I can carry it y'know. You don't have to.

Jason: You already have a lot to carry. I don't mind.

Marinette: Haa, if you insist, Peter. *smirks*

Jason: Here, you can have your bag back.

Marinette: *giggles* Okay, I'm sorry.

He doesn't really like it when I call him by his middle name for some reason so I call him it to tease him. It's funny really. I grabbed the rest of my things and left to meet the other boys who were waiting by the entrance. "Hey Blueberry." "Hey Richard, Tim, Damian." "So cupcake, is that another magnificent art piece I see?" Tim asked. I nodded in response and showed him.

"And once again, you revolutionise the art world." He joked. "It's adequate.." Damian commented. I chuckled, "Thanks you guys." I got into their limo with them and we drove off. "Is Barbara going to be at the manor today?" I asked. Richard smiled, "Mhm. She will be." I really missed Barbara. It's been over a year since we all saw her. She went away for a big opportunity to Metropolis after she won a Gadget Building Competition.

The limo pulled up in the driveway and we all got out to see Alfred waiting at the door. "Hey Alfred!" I greeted. "Welcome Mistress Marinette, Masters." he replied. "Now what did I tell you Alfred? No more 'Mistress'." He sighed, "Apologies, Marinette. It's the old habit I'm afraid." I giggled. "It's alright." He closed the door behind us as I followed the boys inside. And there she was.

Marinette: Babs!!

Barbara: Mari!!

We hugged each tightly and spun around a little bit. "How have you been!?" I questioned. "I've been great. It's really nice to see you, all of you again!" she replied with a big smile. We parted as I let her catch up with her love bird. That's when I noticed Mr. Wayne entering the living room. "Good afternoon, Mr. Wayne." He nodded, "Hello again Marinette." That seemed to have caught everyone's attention.

"Bruce." Barbara walked up to him and hugged him. He hugged her back. "Barbara, it's nice to have you back again. Does the commissioner know you're here?" he asked. She nodded, "Yup, I saw him at the station today. We caught up a bit." I excused myself to the restroom and left them to reminisce. I closed the door and checked my phone for the daily news/crime reports.

"Anything today, Marinette?" questioned one of my kwami friends. These kwamis are part of my meta abilities. Tikki was a ladybug themed kwami and she was the one who asked me about the reports. "Nope, I don't really see anything so I guess tonight's patrol for us." I answered. Tikki isn't the only one. Kwamis are, or what they told me themselves, are magically beings who grant magical powers.

Tikki's powers is that of creation, then you have Plagg, her polar opposite whose powers revolve around destruction. And of course Trixx's illusions, Wazz's protection, Pollen's immobilisation, Nooroo's transmission, Duusu's emotions, Sass's second chance, Kaalki's teleportation, Mullo's multiplication, Fluff's time travel, Longg's storm powers, Xuppu's uproar, Daizzi's jubilation, Ziggy's genesis, Orikko's sublimation, Barkk's fetch, Stompp's resistance and Roarr's clout.

I think that's it. Not only that but I'm also able to transform and I get a suit to match the kwamis. Not only that but only I can see them. "Hey kid, I'm hungry. Do you have any camembert?" "Plagg.." Oh and they also need to eat to regain their energy but unlike the others, he seems to need a lot of energy 24/7. "Alright, when we get home, Plagg. I just needed to collect the project from Damian then we could leave." I promised.

I left and was surprised to find Damian waiting outside. "Ahh, crap.. Damian.." I groaned. "Dupain-Cheng, the project." He gestured it to me and I took it. "Thanks." We both returned downstairs then Jason got up and came up to me. "Ready to go Mari?" I nodded with a smile. "Bye everyone. See you at school tomorrow Babs!" "Bye Mari!" Jason and I got into the limo as it drove off.

Jason: So have you heard?

Marinette: Heard about what?

Jason: Y'know..the reopening of the Christmas Ball at the end of the term?

Marinette: Jason, that's like three months away.

Jason: Yeah, I know. Bruce was thinking of asking the MDC to design some of our outfits. If you want I can get him to get you a dress as well. You know, he might say yes. He's really fond of you. He says being your friend is the smartest decision I've ever made.

Marinette: Haha, he isn't wrong. But it's fine. Don't worry about it.

Jason: Alright, if you insist.

The limo pulled up in front of my house as Jason helped me with some of my things again. I knocked on the door and Master Fu, my guardian, opened the door. "Hello Marinette, Jason. Come on in." He allowed us to enter and Jason and I went upstairs to my room to put down my things. "Thanks Peter." "Haha, not funny, Mari." I softly elbowed him as we went down the stairs. "Bye you two. See you tomorrow, Mari." And with that he left.

"He's gotten taller since the last time we saw each other. And Plagg, I brought you some camembert." Master spoke. Plagg immediately rushed to the counter and began to eat. Wazz then appeared from behind Master, "Hello Marinette. Busy day?" I nodded with a hum heading into the kitchen for a glass of water. I know what I said before about the kwamis and other people being able to see them.

Master Fu adopted me and so he became my legal guardian and my trainer. He's the reason why I'm where I'm at now with my powers. He is able to see the kwamis and has one of his own. That was Wazz. He informed me of the kwami's history and said I will succeed him and Wazz will be passed onto me when the time comes. Ever since adopting me, he's trained me and taught me how to use my powers along with a few potions and spells from his grimoire.

I don't know where or how I'll be without him. He's gotten me a long way through life ever since my parents. I have a lot to thank him for.


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