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Chapter 6.

Matthew woke to a touch on his back and a nip on his nape that made him jolt.

"Wake up." Mian's breath was warm on his skin and so was the fur beneath him. He didn't want to move, but hands touched his shoulders and hauled him upright.

His head spun and he blinked rapidly into the darkness. A low growl rumbled near his ear. "Quickly."

Matthew stumbled to his feet and gasped at the flare of pain between his legs.

He didn't have time to dwell on it though, because in the next instant a hand gripped his arm and hauled him through the dark. He stumbled over furs, but somehow managed not to step on anyone.

He could feel bodies moving close to him, hear canine breaths and light steps. A frigid draft made him shiver and he knew they'd reached the tunnel.

Mian tugged hard on his arm and a spine pushed against his stomach, knocking the air from his lungs. "Climb on."

Matthew wheezed for air and wrapped his arms around Mian's shoulders. Another pair of hands touched his buttocks, lifting him, and he wrapped his legs around Mian's waist.

Mian jumped and surged up the cliff. He was fast. Faster than Talan had been.

Matthew clamped his arms and legs tight, heart thundering as they went nearly vertical and an icy breeze ruffled his hair.

When they reached the top of the cave it was still black as night and freezing cold. The hearth hadn't been lit yet.

"Let go." Mian wriggled until Matthew reluctantly dropped to the stone floor. It was like stepping on ice and he yelped, hopping from one foot to the other. Each breath he took hurt, as if the air was crystallizing in his lungs. He coughed.

Large shapes ran past them, claws clacking over the stone. "Mian!" A deep voice boomed and Mian gripped Matthew's waist to steady him.

He clutched the alien's arms blindly and pressed closer to his warmth.

"Fie!" Mian barked, clear voice echoing in the cavern.

"Y-yes." Came the breathless reply, followed by scrabbling claws. "I'"

A thin arm replaced Mian's hands and then they were alone. Listening to the swift patter of fading steps.

"I-I'm t-t-too c-c-cold." Matthew could barely speak past the rattling of his teeth and he wrapped his arms tight around Fie. His feet were becoming numb.

Fie whined and gripped his hand, leading him through blackness and down a familiar warm tunnel.

Matthew quickened his pace, until he was nearly running, feet heavy and clumsy like blocks of ice, and then they were wrapped in the blissfully humid air of the hot springs.

"Here's the step." Fie's hand touched his hip and guided him down onto the ledge. The water had been pleasantly warm yesterday, but now it felt scalding.

Matthew gasped and lowered himself slowly. His feet seared and his body shook, but Fie was right there; thin arms curling around him and holding him tight.

Slowly, his body adjusted and the temperature cooled to a bearable warmth. His nose started to run and he splashed his face with palmfuls of water.

"Your skins soft again." Fie spoke close to his ear and his furred hip pressed reassuringly against Matthew's.

The human was thankful for the contact, otherwise he might have been frightened; sitting on a ledge above the unknown depths of the spring.

"Soft?" Matthew's nose ran again and he turned his face away and blew self-consciously into his fingers, rinsing them quickly.

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