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Weeks passed and things seemed to go back to normal. As normal as it can be.

But something strange happened one day.

Alessia who was studying at the crack of dawn so she could catch up with some studying in spite of her current condition soon realized it was almost 7 in the morning so she got herself ready to go to school.

Done, she went downstairs and was greeted by three people, Sarah, Chad and Angel having their breakfast but and was about to head out when her name was being called out.

Hit with the strange sense of deja Vu Alessia slowly turned around to look at Sarah, her mother, who looked at her with blank eyes and she said something that shocked Alessia.

"You need to eat before you go to school. We can't have you worsening your condition." Sarah said nonchalantly.

The only thing that gave away Alessia's surprise was the slight widening of her eyes. She checked behind her to see if anyone was there and it wasn't her who was being talked to.

Sarah told her to once again take her seat at the table and Alessia, walking towards the table with slow, cautious steps, took an empty seat and hesitated before sitting at the table where she hadn't eaten with her family in years.

She turned to look at Angel but she was busy on her phone not saying a word.


The was a plate of toast and baking accompanied by a glass of orange juice and Alessia did not dare touch anything.

"Won't you eat? It's not poisoned." Sarah scoffed at her with a raised eyebrow.

Yeah right.

Alessia took a tiny bite of the toast and took a little sip of the juice with shaky hands.

"Thank you for the breakfast." Alessia mumbled before getting out the house as fast as she can.


In class she couldn't concentrate, as if she could even if she tried. What happened this morning was really confusing and Alessia felt a little queasy just thinking about it.

"OMG they're like, the hottest couple around." A girl with blonde hair whispered to her friend in front of her.

"I know right. Ryan and Angel suit each other so much. Angel the school sweetheart and Ryan the golden boy. Such a perfect couple." Her friend squealed to her quietly.

Alessia felt her chest contract at their words. Of course it now know all over the school about Angel dating Ryan and everyone simply loves them.

And it hurts so much.

So very much.


Alessia now mostly spends all the breaks in class, she no longer drew anymore, just trying to catch up with all the lessons she missed due to the recent events even though it's giving her a headache.

She suddenly felt someone watching her and when she raised her head she saw Wendy looking at her, with the same sad eyes she does whenever she met Alessia's eyes.

Anger consumed her and she stormed out of the class, purposely bumping her shoulders with Wendy's before leaving.

Going into the bathroom, she took her pills in a hurry and drank some tap water before holding the rail of the sink.

She looked at her reflection in the mirror. Alessia looked horrible, deep circles under her eyes and she's lost a lot of weight. Her hair looked so bland since it's lost all it's shine and she wanted to scream at her reflection.

How could she look so pathetic.

So useless.

It's frustrated her to no end.

She wanted it all to end.

All of it.

She tugged on her hair so hard she felt a headache coming but she didn't care.

She just wanted to scream.

Wanted to let it all out.

But no one would see that.

Because they refuse to see.

Letting out the tears she cried and cried and cried while looking at her reflection and the tears wouldn't stop.

They just couldn't.


She didn't know when she entered a stall or how long she sat there, looking into space. Her eyes felt so sore and puffy and her cheeks were a bit swollen.

Leaving the stall and finally the bathroom, she saw no one and it dawn to her that class must have already started and that she was very late.

Sighing since her grades where already bad enough as it is due to recent events, she was on her way to class lost in her thoughts when she bumped into someone hard.

Scolding herself in her head since this could bring problems she apologized to the person with her eyes downcast was about to leave when the person stopped her.

"No problem. It was kinda my fault. Are you okay?" Asked an unfamiliar voice.

Alessia lifted her eyes a bit and saw an unfamiliar man who looked to be in his late 20s or early 30s. He smiled at her apologetically.

"Yes please." She whispered.

"Ermmm... Could you show me where the headmistress' office is. I seemed to have lost my way."

Carl smiled at the teenage girl but she only gave him a blank look and directed him to the office.

He smiled at her again in gratitude and thanked her. She only nodded at him and left leaving Carl and little flabbergasted about her appearance, especially her red eyes and swollen cheeks which led to his conclusion that she had been crying.

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