The Targaryen Prince with a Velaryon name

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High Tide, Driftmark Island

115 AC

Elaera held her sister's hand as the Princess of Dragonstone screamed in pain.

"Around three more pushes, Your Grace." the head midwife of the cabal on Caelum said. Only the best of the best midwives were allowed to aid the Crown Princess.

To help her sister and goodbrother, Elaera had called in a few of her Braavosi contacts. They had given her directions to an artificial insemination business located in all nine of the Free Cities.

She had informed Rhaenys, Corlys, Rhaenyra, and Laenor, who had gotten in contact with the branch in Pentos.

Nine months later, the fruits of the labor were showing.

Five minutes later, the scream of a baby was heard and Rhaenyra let out a choked laugh. 

"A healthy baby boy, Princess. In the image of Ser Laenor." the head midwife said calmly.

The afterbirth came shortly after and the cleaned baby was handed to his mother, who began nursing quickly. The firstborn of Rhaenyra had the dark skin, pale purple eyes, and if the hints in his hair was anything to go by, he would have the same curls as Laenor.

He was the mirror image of his father.

"You are going to be the most handsome man in the Seven Kingdoms." the silver haired princess murmured to her nephew.

Laenor was let in soon after, with Rhaenys and Corlys as well. 

"He's beautiful." Laenor smiled with tears in his eyes, sitting next to his wife. He always wanted a brood of children of his own, but he never thought it could happen.

But here was his firstborn, his son.

"He look just like you when you were a baby, Laenor." Rhaenys said loudly. The servants began whispering and a few tried to sneak a peak at the baby boy. "What is his name?"

"Jacaerys Targaryen." Rhaenyra said. Corlys had given permission for Laenor and Rhaenyra's eldest child, boy or girl, to have the Targaryen surname.

Laenor had always been found of the name 'Jacaerys' and Rhaenyra wanted a Velaryon name for her eldest to honor her new good-family. So Jacaerys had been the name chosen if the child was a boy, and Valaena, for Lady Valaena Velaryon, if it was a girl.

"Jacaerys Targaryen, the First of His Name." Corlys mused.

"It has a ring to it." Elaera agreed.

That is today's chapter. I hope you all enjoyed it.

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