Kai Tingfeng

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 The empress was quite happy about her sister's pregnancy, hence rewarding her sister with many rare but nutritious ingredients. He couldn't really go to her sister's house because first of all He was pregnant, and second of all the emperor would return today. They were already preparing for the emperor's return but they anticipated for it to be two weeks from now, but they got an abrupt message this morning saying that the war had ended with the Jin empire army winning and that they were coming back.

No doubt the empress was excited and happy by the news. The emperor was like a father to Liu Quiaqio, and he actually adored him. 

The grand emperor, Kai Tingfeng was considered one of the empire's best emperors. He was unlike other emperors self-aware. Even though he was birthed by the emperor and was born and destined to be the next emperor he never let that get into his head. He'd work as hard as any concubine born, and be recognized for his talent.

Kai Tingfeng's father, Kai Dinxiang, was a good-for-nothing if you wanted to be frank. He was lustful and arrogant. So when he became the emperor the empire declined and fell into chaos, which gave the Nothern Lands a chance to attack the Jin empire. The empire declined so much that court officials had more power than the actual monarch, which is why whoever took the throne would become a puppet emperor. 

Many princes gave up and did not compete for the throne anymore but since Kai Tingfeng was the crown prince it was his responsibility to be the next king. Kai Tingfeng didn't resist much and became the emperor. 

When he first took the throne he wanted to change the empire's system but was shut down ruthlessly by the court officials. They told him to shut his mouth and be a sage king. Kai Tingfeng was young at the time and thought that his authority would be established as the years went by if he put in the work,  but he was again proven wrong.

Tired and frustrated from everything he went out one day, and that is where he met Ah Lam. Ah Lam just like her name loved peace, and so she always handled everything calmly and patiently. That day when Kai Tingfeng met Ah Lam, a swindler was trying to accuse Ah Lam of stealing. Ah Lam was disguised as a poor woman so the swindler's words were believable. Ah Lam neither panicked nor screamed to justify herself but calmly took care of the situation but pointing out every flaw in the swindler's attempt to make off of her.

This inspired Kai Tingfeng, but he also became interested in Ah Lam. Ah Lam's method and it actually worked. He found some of the court officials' flaws and threatened them with it. Some were willing to obey him while some were still stubborn. But at the end of the day, his power was indeed more.

Seeing that the prince was getting some people on his side made the court officials rush the royal marriage so the new empress would not offer Kai Tingfeng any support. The empress and the empress dowager was the one were the ones in charge of the empress's selection. The empress dowager hated the crown prince and the empress so she only wanted to pick someone that would drag them down, while the empress adored her son and would try to do anything to protect him. 

The empress had a more powerful maternal family so she won, and picked Ah Lam as the new queen. At first, Kai Tingfeng was shocked but he then accepted it. Ah Lam was not a pig teammate and would definitely try and win the throne. 

Over time as they worked together they fell in love. Kai Tingfeng really fell hard for Ah Lam making him swear to monogamy. Everything was going well in the first two years of marriage. It didn't even look like the king was bored and wanted someone else but the court officials of course needed to sow discord. 

After their three years of being married the court officials brought forth the fact that we had yet to have a child, to recommend Kai Tingfeng take in some concubines. Of course, Kai Tingfeng disagreed but the court officials still held the most power in the empire making his opinion irrelevant 

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