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Since Kyungsoo was injured and couldn't really walk, Kai offered him to stay over at Kais house. Although hesitant at first, Kyungsoo eventually agreed to stay.

Kais parents were okay with Kyungsoo staying over for a bit and Kyungsoo didn't bother contacting his parents, since he knew he wouldn't get a response.

The two wre currently watching a movie. Kai lent Kyungsoo some of his clothes, so Kyungsoo wouldn't have to be in his school uniform. The clothes were a bit big for Kyungsoo, since he was shorter than Kai, but the clothes fit him nevertheless .

Both of them were watching a comedy, Kai wanted to watch one to cheer Kyungsoo up, to have Kyungsoo forget what happened today for at least a bit. Kai was dissapointed when Kyungsoo didn't react at all while watching the movie. He didn't laugh or smile at all. Kai wanted to cheer Kyungsoo up, but he didn't know how.

Kai grabbed the remote and switched the TV off.

„What are you doing? Why did you turn it off?" Kyungsoo asked, looking at Kai. Although he wasn't interested in the movie at all, Kyungsoo still asked.

„It's obvious you're not interested in the movie and, hoestly, I'm not either, so maybe we could do something else." Kai replied.

„Okay, but what?"

„How about we go out?" Kai suggested. It wasn't late and Kai always enjoyed going out with his friends. Kyungsoo agreed and they both got ready. Kyungsoo had never been out with anyone, except sometimes with his family, so he was really excited.

Kai helped Kyungsoo walk and they both went to a bubble tea shop, that was near Kais house.

„Hey Kai! Hey Kyungsoo!" When Kai and Kyungsoo stepped inside, someone greeted them. It was Sehun and next to him stood Luhan, who greeted them aswell.

„Hey!" Kai and Kyungsoo greeted them back.

„What- Oh my god, Kyungsoo, what happened?" Luhan asked as soon as he saw Kyungsoo. Kyungsoos lip was bruised and there were wounds on his face, that couldn't be unnoticed.

Kai gave Luhan a warning glare to say „Not now", which Luhan seemed to understand.

„You know, you probably don't want to talk about it now and, anyway, Sehun and I have to go, so we'll see you later." Luhan said and left with Sehun and their bubble teas.

Kai and Kyungsoo ordered their bubble teas and then sat down on one of the available seats.

„Since we don't know each other that well, tell me something about yourself." Kai said to Kyungsoo. He wanted to get to know Kyungsoo better.

„Umm, okay. What do you want to know?" Kyungsoo asked.

„What do you like? What do you think of our school?"

„As I already said, I like singing and cooking. I also like listening to music and reading. And I like this school, it's better than my previous school."


Kyungsoo nodded in response, remembering everything that happened in his previous school. He suddenly remembered all the bullying, all the mean nicknames people called him, he remembered everything, even all the pain. Kyungsoo felt tears in his eyes, but held them in and pretended to be okay.

Lucky for him, Kai didn't notice Kyungsoo getting upset. They kept talking to each other and getting to know each other better. Kyungsoo found out that Kai loves dancing and music a lot. Kyungsoo was happy to gain a friend, but the acknowledgement of how awful his life was and still is never left him.

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